Section: Research Program
Discourse structures
Participants : Laurence Danlos, Charlotte Roze.
Until now, the linguistic modeling and automatic processing of sentences has been the main focus of the community. However, many applications would benefit from more large-scale approaches which go beyond the level of sentences. This is not only the case for automatic translation: information extraction/retrieval, summarizing, and other applications do need to resolve anaphora, which in turn can benefit from the availability of hierarchical discourse structures induced by discourse relations (in particular through the notion of right frontier of discourse structures). Moreover, discourse structures are required to extract sequential (chronological, logical,...) or hierarchical representations of events. It is also useful for topic extraction, which in turns can help syntactic and semantic disambiguation.
Although supra-sentential problematics received increasing attention in the last years, there is no satisfying solution to these problems. Among them, anaphora resolution and discourse structures have a far-reaching impact and are domains of expertise of Alpage members. But their formal modeling has now reached a maturity which allows to integrate them, in a near future, inside future Alpage tools, including parsing systems inherited from Atoll.
It is well known that a text is not a random sequence of sentences: sentences are linked the ones to the others by “discourse relations”, which give to the text a hierarchical structure. Traditionally, it is considered that discourse relations are lexicalized by connectors (adverbial connectors like ensuite, conjunctions like parce que), or are not lexicalized. This vision is however too simple:
first, some connectors (in particular conjunctions of subordination) introduce pure modifiers and must not be considered as bearing discourse relations,
second, other elements than connectors can lexicalize discourse relations, in particular verbs like précéder / to precede or causer / to cause, which have facts or fact eventualities as arguments [61] .
There are three main frameworks used to model discourse structures: RST, SDRT , and, more recently, the TAG-based formalism D-LTAG. Inside Alpage, Laurence Danlos has introduced d-stag (Discourse Synchronous TAGs, [62] ,[5] ), which subsumes in an elegant way both SDRT and RST, to the extent that SDRT and RST structures can be obtained by two different partial projections of d-stag structures. As done in D-LTAG, d-stag extends a lexicalized TAG analysis so as to deal with the level of discourse. d-stag has been fully formalized, and is hence possible to implement (thanks to Synchronous TAG, or even TAG parsers), provided one develops linguistic descriptions in this formalism.