Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Master : Xavier Claeys, MM009: Informatique de base, 72 hrs de travaux pratiques en programmation C++, niveau M1, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, France
Master : Xavier Claeys, NM406: Résolution des EDP par la méthode des éléments finis, 18 hrs de travaux pratiques en programmation C++, niveau M2, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, France
Master : Xavier Claeys, MM031: Informatique Scientifique, 44 hrs de de cours magistral, niveau M1, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, France
Master : Laura Grigori, High performance computing, 12 hours, Master Universite Paris XI, France
Master : Laura Grigori, Course on Parallel Computing, 30 hours IFIPS, Ingenieurs 3, Polytech, Université Paris XI, France
Master : Frederic Hecht, Tutorials of practical C++ programming for the course Informatique de Base, 36 hours, Master 1 Mathématiques et Applications, UPMC, France
Master : Frederic Hecht, Course on Numerical methods for fluid mechanics, 30 hours, Master 2 Mechanics, UPMC, France.
Master : Frederic Hecht, From PDEs to their resolution by finite element methods, 36 hours per year, Master 2 UPMC, France.
Master : Frederic Nataf, Course on Domain Decomposition Methods, 30 hours, Master 2, UPMC, France.
Master : Frederic Nataf, Course on Domain Decomposition Methods, 15 hours, Master 2, ENSTA, France.
PhD : Amal Khabou, Dense matrix computations : communication cost and numerical stability, University Paris-Sud 11, February 2013, advisor Laura Grigori
PhD in progress : Sebastien Cayrols, since October 2013 (funded by Maison de la simulation), adivsor L. Grigori.
PhD in progress : Pierre Jolivet, since October 2011 (funded by University of Grenoble), advisors F. Nataf, C. Prudhome and F. Hecht
PhD in progress : Sophie Moufawad, since October 2011 (funded by Inria), advisor L. Grigori
PhD in progress : Nicole Spillane, since December 2010 (funded by Michelin), co-advisor F. Nataf
PhD in progress : Ryadh Haferssas, since October 2013 (funded by Ecole Doctorale, UPMC), co-advisor F. Nataf
PhD in progress : Sylvain Auliac, since October 2009 (funded by UPMC), advisor F. Hecht
PhD in progress : Pierre-Henri Tournier, since October 2011 (funded by UPMC), advisor F. Hecht and M. Comte
Laura Grigori: Phd thesis of Soleiman Youssef, UPMC, December 2013, Invited member.
Laura Grigori: HDR habilitation of Stef Graillat, UPMC, December 2013, Examinateur.
Laura Grigori: PhD thesis Mouraid Gouicem, defended on 14 October 2013, LIP6, Paris 6, examinatrice, president of the jury.
Frederic Nataf : PhD thesis of Paul-Marie Berthe, defended on 18 December 2013, University Paris XIII.
Frédéric Hecht: Phd thesis Charles Dapogny, defended on 29 december 2013, Univ Rouen, examinateur
Frédéric Hecht: HDR BENNIS Chakib , defended on 29 november 2013, UMPC, examinateur.
Frédéric Hecht: Phd thesis Charles Dapogny, defended on 4 december 2013, UMPC, Président.
Frédéric Hecht: Phd thesis Nicolas Kowalski, defended on 5 december 2013, UMPC, examinateur.
Frédéric Hecht: Phd thesis Brahim Yahioui, defended on 17 december 2013, UTT, Rapporteur.