Section: Dissemination
Scientific Animation
Technical Program Committee: EmSoft 2013, MEMOCODE2013, FDL2013, CSDM 2013.
Board of Administrators: CIM PACA Design Platform association
Technical Program Committee: IEEE RTSS 2013, IEEE ETFA 2013, DATE 2013 and IEEE SIES'2013.
Steering Committee and co-chair: RTSOPS2013, WMC2013 (workshops)
Technical Program Committee: Memocode 2013, ACSD 2013, EslSyn 2013, APRES 2013
General Chair: organizer and chair: First international workshop on globalization of modeling languages (GeMoC)
Technical Program Commitee: CIEL2013, GlobalDSL2013, Journal of System and Software
Scientific Co-chair: ACTRISS group, supported by GDR ASR (CNRS, France) ( ).