Section: New Results
Formal analysis of MARTE Time Model and CCSL
Participants : Frédéric Mallet, Robert de Simone, Yuliia Romenska, Jean-Vivien Millo, Ling Yin.
We have worked on building analysis methods and tools for running exhaustive analyses on MARTE/CCSL specifications. This was done by endowing CCSL with a State-Based semantics [51] . Each operator is described as a boolean state machine, some operators require an infinite number of states. When this is the case we rely on a lazy representation technique to capture symbolically the infinite number of states [45] . The semantics of a CCSL specification is then expressed as the synchronized product of the (infinite) state machines for each operator. Even though the operators are infinite, their composition can sometimes be bounded. When the synchronized product has only a finite number of reachable states, it is said to be safe. We have identified a set of representative and frequently used examples where this is the case [38] . When the product is not finite, our (semi-)algorithm to build the product does not terminate, therefore it is important to be able to know in advance whether or not the product is safe. We have thus proposed an algorithm to decide whether a CCSL specification is safe [37] . It relies on an intermediate representation called Clock Causality Graph and uses results from marked graph theory.
Building the product for a CCSL specification is exponential in the number of clocks and is not practical for large specifications. So, to avoid building explicitly the product we have proposed another technique to explore symbolically the state-space of a CCSL specification [49] . This relies on a liveness condition where no conflict may prevent an infinite clock from ticking infinitely often. Branches that may lead to states where an infinite clock dies are pruned by a fix-point algorithm.
These two solutions focus on the logical and discrete aspects of MARTE/CCSL, which was devised to unify logical and physical time constraints. An attempt to support verification of the physical time constraints of MARTE/CCSL was conducted through the use of UppAal timed automata and model-checker [46] . The proposed technique combines the logical clocks of CCSL with the real-valued clocks of timed automata. Synchronous/Polychronous aspects are solved with TimeSquare 5.1 while the UppAal model-checker is used to explore the space derived from the real-valued clocks.