Section: New Results
Performance variability analysis on manycore architectures
Participants : Sid Touati, Amin Oueslati, Franco Pestarini, Robert de Simone, Emilien Kofman.
In the context of the collaboration with Kalray (see 7.1.1 ), we conducted a systematic benchmarking campaign to test the stability (or low variability) of the performances of the MPPA256 prototype manycore processor. We first addressed issues of memory access and network latency, then programmed a distributed verson of the classical ALL_PAIRS_SHORTEST_PATH parallel algorithm with an hybrid OpenMP/MPI style. This was the objectif of Amin Oueslati Master2 internship. Results were encouraging, and showed stability of performance over a large set of runs.
This work is currently extended during the International Internship grant of Franco Pescarini. Specific on-chip communication modes offered by the MPPA256 processor (namely portal and channel communication modes) are being extensively benchmarked. Results show time predictability on the case of light on-chip communication traffic, but stability gets degraded as performance decreases in presence of heavy traffic and congestion (various runs show quite different execution time).
In another effort we conducted during the internship period of Emilien Kofman an experiment on MPPA256 quite similar to the work conducted as part of the collaboration with Kontron (see 7.1.3 ), exploring various mapping options of FFT algorithm variants, with the goal of figuring how to best map (in the future) several such algorithms onto the computation fabric of the many-cores available.