Section: New Results
Real-time scheduling and code generation for time-triggered platforms
Participants : Thomas Carle, Raul Gorcitz, Dumitru Potop Butucaru, Yves Sorel.
We have continued this year the work on real-time scheduling and code generation for time-triggered platforms. This work was mainly carried out as part of a bilateral collaboration with Astrium Space Transportation (now part of Airbus Defence and Space), which co-funded with the CNES the post-doctorate of Raul Gorcitz (started in September).
The work focused this year on the improvement of the real-time scheduling and code generation (the PhD work of T. Carle), and on determining their adequacy to Astrium's industrial needs (the post-doc of Raul Gorcitz). We have improved our specification, mapping, and code generation technique at all levels. We have extended the Lopht tool to allow automatic mapping and code generation for single-processor and multi-processor partitioned targets (using an ARINC 653-compliant OS).