Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Bilateral Contracts with Industry

Contract with STMicroelectronics

A contract between STMicroelectronics and Inria supported our work on floating-point arithmetic code generation and specialization for embedded processors (duration: 36 months; amount: 36,000 euros; signature: fall 2010). This work, which was done jointly with the Compilation Expertise Center of STMicroelectronics Grenoble, was also supported by the PhD CIFRE grant of Jingyan Jourdan-Lu.

Collaboration with Bosch

Bosch (Stuttgart) ordered us a study on the choice of an adequate representation of numbers (fixed-point or floating-point) for some embedded systems. The study was conducted by Florent de Dinechin and Jean-Michel Muller.

Collaboration with Intel

INTEL made a $20000 donation in recognition of our work on the correct rounding of functions.