Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


Master 2 MVA and École Centrale de Paris.

H. Delingette and X. Pennec are jointly responsible for 2 modules on medical imaging (formation and analysis of medical images) (45 hours of lectures) at the Master MVA of ENS Cachan "Mathematiques, Vision et Apprentissage". The second module is common to the 3rd year of Ecole Centrale Paris.

Master CBB - Computational Biology and Biomedicine, Univ. Nice-Sophia-Antipolis.

X. Pennec is responsible for a 21h module on Computational Anatomy and Physiology, with the participation of H. Delingette (9h)

Diplôme Inter Universitaire - Radiothérapie externe Haute Technicité, Univ. Nice-Sophia-Antipolis.

X. Pennec gave a 1 h course.


PhD defended in 2013
  1. Marine Breuilly, Imagerie TEMP 4D du petit animal - Estimation du Mouvement Respiratoire et de la Biodistribution de l'Iode. Nice Sophia-Antipolis University, November 2013, [1] .

  2. Ezequiel Geremia, Spatial random forests for brain lesions segmentation in MRIs and model-based tumor cell extrapolation. Nice Sophia-Antipolis University, January 2013, [2] .

  3. Stephanie Marchesseau Simulation de modèles personnalisés du coeur pour la prédiction de thérapies cardiaques. Ecole des Mines de Paris, January 2013, [3] .

  4. Kristin Mc Leod, Modeling of Cardiac Growth and Deformation from Medical Images. Nice-Sophia Antipolis University, November 2013.

  5. Adityo Prakosa, Analysis and simulation of multimodal cardiac images to study the heart function. Nice-Sophia Antipolis University, January 2013, [5] .

Current PhDs
  1. Chloé Audigier, Modeling radio-frequency ablation for the planning of abdominal tumors resection, Nice Sophia-Antipolis University. Started in April 2012.

  2. Thomas Benseghir, 3D/2D Coronary Registration for Interventional Cardiology Guidance, Nice Sophia-Antipolis University. Started in March 2012.

  3. Rocio Cabrera Lozoya, Radio frequency ablation planning for cardiac arrhythmia treatment through biophysical modelling and machine learning approaches, Nice Sophia-Antipolis University. Started in February 2012.

  4. Nicolas Cordier, Simulation and Analysis and Simulation of Brain Tumors Images, University of Lille. Started in February 2012.

  5. Vikash Gupta, Diffusion tensor imaging of the brain: towards quantitative clinical tools, Nice Sophia-Antipolis University. Started in November 2011.

  6. Mehdi Hadj-Hamou, Biophysical modeling of the anatomical evolution of the brain, Nice Sophia-Antipolis University. Started in September 2012.

  7. Bishesh Khanal, Modeling the atrophy of the brain in Alzheimer's disease, Nice Sophia-Antipolis University. Started in November 2012.

  8. Loic Le Folgoc, Biophysical Personalization of Cardiac Models based on Machine Learning, Nice Sophia-Antipolis University. Started in June 2012.

  9. Jan Margeta, Indexation of time-series 4D cardiac MR images, Ecole des Mines de Paris. Started in March 2011.

  10. Nina Miolane, Geometric Statistics in Computational Anatomy: Template Estimation and Subspace Learning in Manifolds, Lie groups and Stratified Spaces, Nice-Sophia Antipolis University. Started in November 2013.

  11. Erin Stretton, Modelling and simulation of brain tumor growth from time-series of 3-D MR images to improve diagnosis and therapy, Ecole des Mines de Paris. Started in June 2010.

  12. Hugo Talbot, Simulation of Radiofrequency ablation of cardiac cells, University of Lille. Started in September 2010.

  13. Anant Vemuri, Augmented reality for image-guided surgery, Nice-Sophia Antipolis University. Started in 2012.

Masters Students
  1. Nina Miolane: Defining a mean on Lie groups. MSc Quantum Fields and Fundamental Forces, Theoretical Physics Dept, Imperial College London, UK. 2013. From July 2013 to August 2013.


N. Ayache

was supervisor of the PhD thesis of Ezequiel Geremia (University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis), co-supervisor of the PhD theses of S. Marchesseau (École des Mines de Paris)) and A. Prakosa (University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis), reviewer of the Phd thesis of R. Prevost (Univ. Paris Dauphine).

Hervé Delingette

was supervisor of the Phd theses of S. Marchesseau (École des Mines de Paris) and A. Prakosa (University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis), co-supervisor of the PhD thesis of Ezequiel Geremia (University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis), reviewer of the PhD thesis committee of P-Y. Baudin (Ecole Centrale de Paris).

X. Pennec

was a member of the HDR jury of Stéphanie Allassionnière, Ecole Normale Cachan (Reviewer) and to the PhD juries of Kevin Sol, U. Montpelier (Reviewer); Aymeric Stamm, U. Rennes; Fabrice Michel, U. ParisTech (Ecole Centrale) (Reviewer); Jean-Baptiste Fiot, U. Dauphine (Reviewer); Barthelemy Serres, U. Tours (President of the jury); Kristin McLeod, University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis, (Advisor).

Maxime Sermesant

was co-supervisor of the PhD theses committee of S. Marchesseau (École des Mines de Paris), A. Prakosa (University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis) and Kristin McLeod (University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis). He was external examiner for the PhD viva of Robert Xi (Oxford University, UK) and Mikael Wallman (Oxford University, UK), and part of the PhD committee of Hubert Cochet MD in Radiology (Bordeaux University).

Invited Lectures

We only list invited talks here. Please refer to general references for regular participation in conferences with a submission process.

  • Nicholas Ayache gave the following invited lectures:

    • at the French-Japanese symposium on the future of surgery in Strasbourg on December 20th 2012.

    • at the Rank Prize Fund Symposium on March 21th 2013 on the topic "Medical Imaging meets Computer Vision".

    • at the symposium organized for the 15th anniversary of the Imaging Science Center at Johns Hopkins University on May 18th 2013.

    • at the Ecole Centrale Paris on November 5th 2013 during the session organised around the challenges in Healthcare and Biotechnologies.

  • Hervé Delingette gave the following invited lectures:

    • at the MICI international workshop held in Tokyo (Japan).

    • at the MICCAI Workshop on Mesh Processing in Medical Image Analysis 2013 in Nagoya (Japan).

    • at the 10th VRIPHYS Workshop on Virtual Reality Interaction and Physical Simulation in Lille, France.

    • at the session on cardiac imaging organized by the GRIC (Groupe de Recherche en Imagerie Cardiaque) during the Journées Française de radiologie in Paris.

    • at the ORASIS conference in Cluny (France).

  • Xavier Pennec gave the following invited lectures:

  • Maxime Sermesant was invited to give the closing lecture on "Mathematics for Healthcare" at the 34th Paediatric Cardiology Seminar organised by Necker Hospital, and gave an invited lecture on congenital cardiopathies at the "Printemps de la Cardiologie" in Marseille and an invited lecture on real-time simulation of ablation at the Atrial Fibrillation meeting in London.

Nominations and Prizes

  • Nicholas Ayache received the MICCAI 2013 “Enduring Impact Award” for his scientific contributions since the inception of the conference in 1998. This award was established four years ago and was previously awarded to Ron Kikinis (Harvard Medical School), Russ Taylor (Johns Hopkins), Chris Taylor (Manchester Univ.) and Jerry Prince (Johns Hopkins). Nicholas took the opportunity to thank the team and all his collaborators.

  • Nicholas Ayache was elected at the Collège de France to the Chair “Informatics and Computational Sciences” for the academic year 2013-2014. He will teach a course entitled “The Personalized Digital Patient: Images, Medicine and Informatics”. The course will be completed by seminars (2 of them being delivered by H. Delingette and X. Pennec), and an international Colloquium. More details to appear on the web site of the Collège de France: http://www.college-de-france.fr/site/nicholas-ayache/ .

  • Tom Vercauteren won the Young Scientist Publication Impact Award 2013 of the MICCAI Society (Oct 2012) for the paper "Symmetric log-domain diffeomorphic Registration: a demons-based approach", published at MICCAI 2008 co-authored by X. Pennec, A. Perchant, N. Ayache.