Section: Dissemination
Teaching, supervision, thesis committees
Arnaud Guyader is a member of the committee of “oraux blancs d'agrégation de mathématiques” for ENS Cachan at Ker Lann.
François Le Gland gives a course on Kalman filtering and hidden Markov models , at université de Rennes 1, within the SISEA (signal, image, systèmes embarqués, automatique, école doctorale MATISSE) track of the master in electronical engineering and telecommunications, a 3rd year course on Bayesian filtering and particle approximation , at ENSTA (école nationale supérieure de techniques avancées), Paris, within the systems and control module, a 3rd year course on linear and nonlinear filtering , at ENSAI (école nationale de la statistique et de l'analyse de l'information), Ker Lann, within the statistical engineering track, and a 3rd year course on hidden Markov models , at Télécom Bretagne, Brest.
Florent Malrieu has given a doctoral course on piecewise deterministic Markov processes (PDMP) proposed as a complementary scientific training to PhD students of école doctorale MATISSE. He has also contributed to a pedagogical article in the Revue de Mathématiques Spéciales.
Valérie Monbet gives several courses on data analysis, on time series, and on mathematical statistics, all at université de Rennes 1 within the master on statistics and econometrics. She is also the director of the master on statistics and econometry at université de Rennes 1.
François Le Gland has been supervising one PhD student
Paul Bui Quang, title: Particle approximation and the Laplace method for Bayesian filtering, université de Rennes 1, defense in July 2013, funding: ONERA grant, co–direction: Christian Musso (ONERA, Palaiseau).
and he is currently supervising two PhD students
Alexandre Lepoutre, provisional title: Detection issues in track–before–detect, université de Rennes 1, started in October 2010, expected defense in 2014, funding: ONERA grant, co–direction: Olivier Rabaste (ONERA, Palaiseau).
Damien–Barthélémy Jacquemart, provisional title: Rare event methods for the estimation of collision risk, université de Rennes 1, started in October 2011, expected defense in 2014, funding: DGA / ONERA grant, co–direction: Jérôme Morio (ONERA, Palaiseau).
Florent Malrieu is currently supervising one PhD student
Florent Bouguet, provisional title: Coupling methods for PDMP, université de Rennes 1, started in October 2013, co–direction : Jean–Christophe Breton (université de Rennes 1),
Valérie Monbet is currently supervising one PhD student
Julie Bessac, provisional title: Space time modelling of wind fields, université de Rennes 1, started in October 2011, co–direction : Pierre Ailliot (université de Bretagne Occidentale),
and she is a member of the PhD thesis advisory committee of
Jérôme Weiss, provisional title: Modelling of extreme storm surge series, funding : CIFRE grant with EDF R&D, direction : Michel Benoît (Laboratoire d'Hydraulique Saint-Venant).
Thesis committees
François Le Gland has been a member of the committees for the PhD thesis of Mathieu Chouchane (université de la Méditerrannée, advisors: Mustapha Ouladsine and Sébastien Paris) and for the habilitation thesis of Jérôme Morio (université de Rennes 1) and he as been a reviewer for the PhD thesis of Mélanie Bocquel (University of Twente, advisors: Arunabha Bagchi and Hans Driessen).
Florent Malrieu has been a member of the committees for the PhD theses of Bertrand Cloez (université Paris–Est Marne–la–Vallée, advisor: Djalil Chafaï) and Alexandre Genadot (université Pierre et Marie Curie, advisor: Michèle Thieullen) and he as been a reviewer for the PhD thesis of David Godinho Pereira (université Paris–Est Créteil, advisor: Nicolas Fournier).
Valérie Monbet has been a member of the committees for the PhD theses of Paul Bui Quang (université de Rennes 1, advisors: François Le Gland and Christian Musso) and Sébastien Béyou (université de Rennes 1, advisor: Étienne Mémin).