Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

Master Software Engineering

ATEAMS is the core partner in the Master Software Engineering at Universiteit van Amsterdam. This master is a collaboration between SWAT/ATEAMS, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Vrije Universiteit and Hogeschool van Amsterdam.

Early Quality Assurance in Software Production

The EQUA project is a collaboration among Hogeschool van Amsterdam (main partner) Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI), Technisch Universiteit Delft, Laboratory for Quality of Software (LaQuSo), Info Support, Software Improvement Group (SIG), and Fontys Hogeschool Eindhoven.

Model-Driven Engineering in Digital Forensics

In this project ATEAMS works with the Dutch National Forensics Institute on next generation carving software for recovering evidence from damaged or erased data storage media.

Next Generation Auditing: Data-assurance as a service

This collaboration between Centrum Wiskunde & Informatic (CWI) PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PWC), Belastingdienst (National Tax Office), and Computational Auditing, is to enable research in the field of computational auditing.