Section: Dissemination
Jan van Eijck : “Why Learn Haskell?”, Talk for UvA Programming Summer School, Amsterdam, July 2, 2013.
Paul Klint, Davy Landman: “Hoe ontstond de eerste computer?” (“The origin of the first computer”), Public lecture for broad audience, NEMO, Amsterdam.
Paul Klint, “How to test a meta-program?”, invited talk at the Workshop on Scalable Language Specification (SLS 2013).
Paul Klint, "BaMa: Key to the Future?”, invited talk at IW1010: 10 Years of UvA Information Sciences, Amsterdam
Paul Klint, “Understanding the Quality of Open Source Projects”, invited talk at SATToSe, Bern
Davy Landman : “What Does Control Flow Really Look Like? Eyeballing the Cyclomatic Complexity Metric”, poster and presentation at ICT.OPEN (NWO networking event).
Michael Steindorfer : “Object Redundancy Profiling in Java”, poster and presentation at ICT.OPEN (NWO networking event).
Tijs van der Storm : “Domain-specific languages”, Guest lecture Bachelor Computer Science, Universiteit van Amsterdam
Tijs van der Storm : “Opportunities and Risks of MDD – The case of Derric: a DSL for digital forensics”, Presentation at CodeGeneration 2013.
Tijs van der Storm : “Implementing Domain-specific languages using Rascal”, Invited Presentation at Sioux: Source of your technology.
Tijs van der Storm, Kevin van der Vlist, Jimi van der Woning : “Questionnaires in Rascal”, participation Language Workbench Challenge 2013 (LWC'13).
Tijs van der Storm, Alex Loh, “Questionnaires in Ensō”, participation Language Workbench Challenge 2013 (LWC'13).
Tijs van der Storm : “QL: a language for questionnaires”, assignment description LWC'13.
Tijs van der Storm : “Software Development Automation Research: Collaboration with Industry”, presentation at the 1st Dutch conference on Software Development Automation (SDA'13).
Jurgen Vinju : “Modularity”, Guest lecture Bachelor Computer Science, Universiteit van Amsterdam
Jurgen Vinju : “Software Analysis and Transformation with Rascal” , Presentation NBIC BioAssist meeting (BioAssist)
Jurgen Vinju, Tijs van der Storm, Atze van der Ploeg, Anastasia Izmaylova, Ali Afroozeh : CWI Open Day, demonstration of NAO robot programming to children using dedicated DSL “Marvol”.
Jurgen Vinju, Tijs van der Storm, Atze van der Ploeg : “CWI In Bedrijf” (CWI and Industry) , demonstration of Rascal language workbench using the NAO robot DSL “Marvol”.
Vadim Zaytsev : “A Snappy Introduction to Metaprogramming in Rascal”, RedDevCon'13.
Vadim Zaytsev : “Modeling Software Structures with GrammarLab”, Tutorial at MoDELS'13.