Section: Research Program
Software analysis
This research focuses on source code; to analyze it, transform it and generate it. Each analysis or transformation begins with fact extraction. After that we may analyze specific software systems or large bodies of software systems. Our goal is to improve software systems by understanding and resolving the causes of software complexity. The aoproach is captured in the EASY acronym: Extract Analyze SYnthesize. The first step is to extract facts from source code. These facts are then enriched and refined in an analysis phase. Finally the result is synthesized in the form of transformed or generated source code, a metrics report, a visualization or some other output artifact.
The mother and father of fact extraction techniques are probably Lex, a scanner generator, and AWK, a language intended for fact extraction from textual records and report generation. Lex is intended to read a file character-by-character and produce output when certain regular expressions (for identifiers, floating point constants, keywords) are recognized. AWK reads its input line-by-line and regular expression matches are applied to each line to extract facts. User-defined actions (in particular print statements) can be associated with each successful match. This approach based on regular expressions is in wide use for solving many problems such as data collection, data mining, fact extraction, consistency checking, and system administration. This same approach is used in languages like Perl, Python, and Ruby. Murphy and Notkin have specialized the AWK-approach for the domain of fact extraction from source code. The key idea is to extend the expressivity of regular expressions by adding context information, in such a way that, for instance, the begin and end of a procedure declaration can be recognized. This approach has, for instance, been used for call graph extraction but becomes cumbersome when more complex context information has to be taken into account such as scope information, variable qualification, or nested language constructs. This suggests using grammar-based approaches as will be pursued in the proposed project. Another line of research is the explicit instrumentation of existing compilers with fact extraction capabilities. Examples are: the GNU C compiler GCC, the CPPX C++ compiler, and the Columbus C/C++ analysis framework. The Rigi system provides several fixed fact extractors for a number of languages. The extracted facts are represented as tuples (see below). The CodeSurfer source code analysis tool extracts a standard collection of facts that can be further analyzed with built-in tools or user-defined programs written in Scheme. In all these cases the programming language as well as the set of extracted facts are fixed thus limiting the range of problems that can be solved.
The approach we are exploring is the use of syntax-related program patterns for fact extraction. An early proposal for such a pattern-based approach is described in: a fixed base language (either C or PL/1 variant) is extended with pattern matching primitives. In our own previous work on RScript we have already proposed a query algebra to express direct queries on the syntax tree. It also allows the querying of information that is attached to the syntax tree via annotations. A unifying view is to consider the syntax tree itself as “facts” and to represent it as a relation. This idea is already quite old. For instance, Linton proposes to represent all syntactic as well as semantic aspects of a program as relations and to use SQL to query them. Due to the lack of expressiveness of SQL (notably the lack of transitive closure) and the performance problems encountered, this approach has not seen wider use.
Parsing is a fundamental tool for fact extraction for source code. Our group has longstanding contributions in the field of Generalized LR parsing and Scannerless parsing. Such generalized parsing techniques enable generation of parsers for a wide range of existing (legacy) programming languages, which is highly relevant for experimental research and validation.
Extracted facts are often refined, enriched and queried in the analysis phase. We propose to use a relational formalization of the facts. That is, facts are represented as sets of tuples, which can then be queried using relational algebra operators (e.g., domain, transitive closure, projection, composition etc.). This relational representation facilitates dealing with graphs, which are commonly needed during program analysis, for instance when processing control-flow or data-flow graphs. The Rascal language integrates a relational sub-language by providing comprehensions over different kinds of data types, in combination with powerful pattern matching and built-in primitives for computing (transitive/reflexive) closures and fixpoint computations (equation solving).
The main goal is to replace labour-intensive manual programming of fact extractors by automatic generation based on concise and formal specification. There is a wide open scientific challenge here: to create a uniform and generic framework for fact extraction that is superior to current more ad-hoc approaches, yet flexible enough to be customized to the analysis case at hand. We expect to develop new ideas and techniques for generic (language-parametric) fact extraction from source code and other software artifacts.
Given the advances made in fact extraction we are starting to apply our techniques to observe source code and analyze it in detail.