Section: Application Domains
The world's climate is currently changing due to the increase of the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Climate fluctuations are forecasted for the years to come. For a proper study of the incoming changes, numerical simulations are needed, using general circulation models of a climate system. Simulations can be of different types: HPC applications (e.g., the NEMO framework [65] for ocean modelization), code-coupling applications (e.g., the OASIS coupler [71] for global climate modeling), or workflows (long term global climate modeling).
As for most applications the team is targeting, the challenge is to thoroughly analyze climate-forecasting applications to model their needs in terms of programing model, execution model, energy comsunption, data access pattern, and computing needs. Once a proper model of an application has been set up, appropriate scheduling heuristics could be designed, tested, and compared. The team has a long tradition of working with Cerfacs on this topic, for example in the LEGO (2006-09) and SPADES (2009-12) French ANR projects.