Section: New Results
Self-healing of Operational Issues for Grid Computing
Participant : Frédéric Desprez.
Many scientists now formulate their computational problems as scientific workflows. Workflows allow researchers to easily express multi-step computational task. However, their large scale and the number of middleware systems involved in these gateways lead to many errors and faults. Fair quality of service (QoS) can be delivered, yet with important human intervention. Automating such operations is challenging for two reasons. First, the problem is online by nature because no reliable user activity prediction can be assumed, and new workloads may arrive at any time. Therefore, the considered metrics, decisions and actions have to remain simple and to yield results while the application is still executing. Second, it is non-clairvoyant due to the lack of information about applications and resources in production conditions. Computing resources are usually dynamically provisioned from heterogeneous clusters, clouds or desktop grids without any reliable estimate of their availability and characteristics. Models of application execution times are hardly available either, in particular on heterogeneous computing resources.
In collaboration with Rafaël Silva and Tristan Glatard, we proposed a general self-healing process for autonomous detection and handling of operational incidents in scientific workflow executions on grids. Instances are modeled as Fuzzy Finite State Machines (FuSM) where state degrees of membership are determined by an external healing process. Degrees of membership are computed from metrics assuming that incidents have outlier performance, e.g. a site or a particular invocation behaves differently than the others. These metrics make little assumptions on the application or resource characteristics. Based on incident degrees, the healing process identifies incident levels using thresholds determined from the platform history. A specific set of actions is then selected from association rules among incident levels. The healing process is parametrized on real application traces acquired in production on the European Grid Infrastructure (EGI).
To optimize task granularity in distributed scientific workflows, we presented a method that groups tasks when the fineness degree of the application becomes higher than a threshold determined from execution traces. Controlling the granularity of workflow activities executed on grids is required to reduce the impact of task queuing and data transfer time. Our method groups tasks when the fineness degree of the application, which takes into account the ratio of shared data and the queuing/round-trip time ratio, becomes higher than a threshold determined from execution traces. The algorithm also de-groups task groups when new resources arrive. Results showed that under stationary load, our fineness control process significantly reduces the makespan of all applications. Under non-stationary load, task grouping is penalized by its lack of adaptation, but our de-grouping algorithm corrects it in case variations in the number of available resources are not too fast [21] .
To address unfairness among workflow executions, we proposed an algorithm to fairly allocate distributed computing resources among workflow executions to multi-user platforms. We consider a non-clairvoyant, online fairness problem where the platform workload, task costs, and resource characteristics are unknown and not stationary. We define a novel metric that quantifies unfairness based on the fraction of pending work in a workflow. It compares workflow activities based on their ratio of queuing tasks, their relative durations, and the performance of resources where tasks are running, as information becomes available during the execution. Our method is implemented and evaluated on 4 different applications executed in production conditions on EGI. Results show that our method can very significantly reduce the standard deviation of the slowdown, and the average value of our metric [22] .