Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

  • Ikhlef Bechar participated in “Journées Envol-Recherche EADS” in Paris on 14/02/2013.

  • Aurélie Boisbunon, Seong-Gyun Jeong, and Yuliya Tarabalka attended the “Methodological Aspects of Hyperspectral Imaging” (MAHI) workshop in Nice (France) in October.

  • Paula Craciun gave a seminar at ASTRIUM EADS in Toulouse, in January. She gave a seminar at the West University of Timisoara, Romania, in February. She gave a presentation at Inria in Bordeaux, in May. Also in May, she obtained a grant from the Centre for Stochastic Geometry and Advanced Bioimaging (CSGB), Denmark, to attend a summer school on “Topics on space-time modeling and inference”, in Aalborg, Denmark. She presented a paper at ICIP'13 in Melbourne, Australia, in September. Paula Craciun visited Dr. Ba-Ngu Vo at Curtin University, Perth, Australia, from 20/09/2013 to 25/09/2013. She attended meetings with ASTRIUM EADS in Paris and Toulouse in December.

  • Seong-Gyun Jeong attended the workshop GeoStoch'13 in Grenoble in April. He was a reviewer for the journal JVCI (Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation).

  • Zhao Liu presented a paper at EUSIPCO'13 in Marrakech, Morocco, in September, and another paper at ACPR'13 in Okinawa, Japan, in November. She gave talks to the LIRA Consortium during the LIRA workshop in Sophia Antipolis in February, and at the workshop in Berlin in May. She presented her work to CHU Nice at the hospital l'Archet 2 in May, and to Galderma R&D in Sophia Antipolis in July.

  • Claudio Price presented a paper at the LARS conference in Santiago, Chile in October.

  • Yuliya Tarabalka presented a paper at the IEEE IGARSS conference in Melbourne, Australia, and a paper at the BMVC conference in Bristol, UK. She also presented a paper of A. Gamal Eldin et al. at the SPIE Computational Imaging Conference in Burlingame, USA. In June, she presented the Ayin team and her work to students visiting Inria from SupCom-Tunis. She presented the Ayin team at the India-France Technology Summit in New Delhi, India in October. She visited and gave a seminar at the Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology in Trivandrum, India in October. She gave a seminar at the MAP5 laboratory of the University Paris Descartes in Paris in December. Yuliya Tarabalka is a co-editor of the special issue “Analysis of Remote Sensing Image Data” for the journal Remote Sensing. She was a reviewer for the journals IEEE TIP, IEEE TGRS, IEEE GRSL, IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, Computer Vision and Image Understanding, Remote Sensing, IEEE JSTARS, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, and for the conferences GRETSI'2013, IEEE ICIP'2013, IEEE ICASSP'2013, IEEE IGARSS'2013 and OSA Imaging Systems and Applications'2013. She was a part of the program committee for the OSA Imaging Systems and Applications conference. She chaired a session at the conference IEEE IGARSS'2013.

  • Ian Jermyn was a reviewer for the conferences EMMCVPR, ICIP, IDEAL; for the Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision; and of proposals for the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council and the Israel Science Foundation.

  • Josiane Zerubia is an IEEE Fellow. She was a reference proposal reviewer for CRC Press. She was a reviewer for SFPT (Revue Française de Photogrammétrie et de Télédétection). She was a reviewer (and also a program committee member for some of these conferences) for ICASSP'13, ISBI'13, ICIP'13, and for EMMCVPR'13, MICCAI'13, TAIMA'13, SPIE-ISPRS'13 (“Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing”), ICPRAM'13 and GRETSI'13. She was a member of the Image, Video and Multidimensional Signal Processing (IVMSP) Technical Committee of the IEEE Signal Processing Society until December 2013. She was a member of the Editorial Board of IJCV until March 2013. She is an Associate Editor of the collection “Foundation and Trends in Signal Processing” [http://www.nowpublishers.com/ ]. She is a member of the Editorial Board of the “Revue Française de Photogrammétrie et de Télédétection of SFPT”. She is an Associate Editor of the electronic journal Earthzine [http://www.earthzine.org/ ].

    Josiane Zerubia visited Astrium EADS Toulouse in January. She participated in the CNES Research and Technology day in Toulouse in February. In February, she also organized at Inria-SAM the LIRA skincare workshop. In April, she attended a dermoscopy workshop organized by CHU Nice (Faculty of Medicine), and presented the work of Ayin in dermato/cosmetology at the L'Oreal R&D center in Aulnay. She also attended the IGN Research Days in Marne la Vallee in April. She was a member of the CR2 selection committee at Inria-SAM in May. In May, she gave a talk at l'Archet 2 hospital, CHU Nice (Dept of Dermatology), a talk in Berlin at the Fraunhofer Institute during a LIRA skincare workshop, and a third talk at the international KAL'Haiti meeting organized by CNES at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Paris. Finally, in May she took part in a one-day meeting with EPI Alea and Astrium EADS at Inria Bordeaux. In June she presented Ayin's research in dermatology at Galderma R&D and gave a talk on Ayin's research in remote sensing at the University of Tunis El Manar. She also presented the activities of Inria-SAM and of the international Masters UBINET and BIOCOMP of UNS to Tunisian Masters students. In September, she gave an invited talk at the “Imaging in Geospatial Applications” workshop at the Institute of Mathematics and Applications (IMA) at University of Minneapolis, and presented a paper at GRETSI in Brest. In November she gave an invited talk at the Remote Sensing Days organized by the University of Bordeaux I. In December, she went to Toulouse for meetings with Astrium EADS and with CNES. In December, she also attended the annual meeting of the Astrium/Inria PhD committee organized at EADS in Suresnes.

    Josiane Zerubia is a deputy of Frederic Alexandre on the Executive Committee of the LIRA Consortium (Philips, CWI, Fraunhofer, Inria). She is a member of the ORFEO group (CNES). She is a consultant for Galderma R&D in Sophia-Antipolis. She is also a member of the Program Committee of the Master 2 in Computational Biology and Biomedicine (CBB) at the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, in charge of sponsoring.