Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

Inria International Partners

Bamboo has an Inria International Partnership, called AMICI (see http://team.inria.fr/bamboo/amici/ ), with three partners in Italy (Universities of Rome “La Sapienza", Florence, and Pisa) and one in the Netherlands (Free University of Amsterdam / CWI). There are two unifying interests to all the projects of AMICI: algorithmics, and biology. At the present time, mostly because the current work of BAMBOO is centered on the ERC project SISYPHE (“Species Identity and SYmbiosis Formally and Experimentally explored"), the biology is very oriented to the general study, at the molecular level, of the symbiotic relation (genomics and other associated “omics", evolution, biochemical and interaction networks). This should evolve in future to extend the symbiotic study to either the ecological or a more health-oriented level, or to address new biology-related problems using mathematical modelling and techniques, and algorithmics.

Inria International Labs

BAMBOO participates in a project within the Inria-Chile CIRIC (Communication and Information Research and Innovation Center) titled “Omics Integrative Sciences”. The main objectives of the project are the development and implementation of mathematical and computational methods and the associated computational platforms for the exploration and integration of large sets of heterogeneous omics data and their application to the production of biomarkers and bioidentification systems for important Chilean productive sectors. The project started in 2011 and is coordinated in Chile by Alejandro Maass, Mathomics, University of Chile, Santiago.

Participation In other International Programs

BAMBOO is member of a CNRS-UCBL-Inria Laboratoire International Associé (LIA) with the Laboratório Nacional de Computação Científica (LNCC), Petrópolis, Brazil. The LIA has for acronym LIRIO (“Laboratoire International de Recherche en bIOinformatique") and is coordinated by Ana Tereza Vasconcelos from the LNCC and Marie-France Sagot from BAMBOO. The LIA was created in January 2012 for 4 years, renewable once. A preliminary web page for the LIA LIRIO is available at this address: http://team.inria.fr/bamboo/en/cnrs-lia-laboratoire-international-associe-lirio/ .

BAMBOO has two other projects with Brazil. One is the Inria-Faperj project RAMPA (“Bioinformatics for the Reconstruction and Analysis of the Metabolism of PArasites") whose coordinators are M.-F. Sagot (France) and A. T. Vasconcelos (LNCC, Brazil). This project will finish at the end of 2013. Its main objective was to computationally and experimentally study the dialog between the trypanosomatids Angomonas deanei and Strigomonas culicis and their respective endosymbiont mainly at the metabolic level. The second project is the CAPES-COFECUB project titled: “Multidisciplinary Approach to the Study of the Biodiversity, Interactions and Metabolism of the Microbial Ecosystem of Swines". The coordinators are M.-F. Sagot (France) and A. T. Vasconcelos (LNCC, Brazil) with also the participation of Arnaldo Zaha (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. The project started in 2013 for 2 years, renewable once. The main objective of this project is to experimentally and mathematically explore the biodiversity of the bacterial organisms living in the respiratory tract of swines, many of which are pathogenic.