Section: Software and Platforms
Gobbolino & Touché
Participants : Vicente Acuña [EPI] , Etienne Birmelé, Ludovic Cottret, Pierluigi Crescenzi, Fabien Jourdan, Vincent Lacroix, Alberto Marchetti-Spaccamela [EPI, ext. member] , Andrea Marino, Paulo Vieira Milreu [EPI, Contact,] , Marie-France Sagot [EPI, Contact,] , Leen Stougie [EPI, ext. member] .
Designed to solve the metabolic stories problem, which consists in finding all maximal directed acyclic subgraphs of a directed graph whose sources and targets belong to a subset of the nodes of , called the black nodes. Biologically, stories correspond to alternative metabolic pathways that may explain some stress that affected the metabolites corresponding to the black nodes by changing their concentration (measured by metabolomics experiments).