Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Regional Initiatives

An experimental database for DNS assessment (6 months of post-doct funded by Communauté d'Agglomération Pau- Portes des Pyrénées)

The quality of our unsteady simulations have to be compared with high quality experimental data. Since the targeted baseline 1-jet in crossflow configuration is isothermal, the relevant comparisons will be made mainly on the velocity field for which detailed PIV measurements have to be carried out. In order to assess in depth the quality of our numerical simulations, it is important to generate experimental data that must give access to both the global flowfield statistics (one-point mean values and probability density functions) as well as the velocity field dynamics (spectra) and the most relevant related turbulence scales. In that framework, the objective of this one-year post-doc (co-funded by CNRS and UPPA) is to built-up a stereo-PIV based database giving access simultaneously to the three velocity components in the planes of measurement.