Section: Software and Platforms

UPaK: Abstract Unified Pattern-Based Synthesis Kernel for Hardware and Software Systems

Participants : Christophe Wolinski [corresponding author] , François Charot, Antoine Floc'H [former member] .

Keywords: compilation for reconfigurable systems, pattern extraction, constraint-based programming.

We are developing (with strong collaboration of Lund University, Sweden and Queensland University, Australia) UPaK Abstract Unified Pattern Based Synthesis Kernel for Hardware and Software Systems [123] . The preliminary experimental results obtained by the UPak system show that the methods employed in the systems enable a high coverage of application graphs with small quantities of patterns. Moreover, high application execution speed-ups are ensured, both for sequential and parallel application execution with processor extensions implementing the selected patterns. UPaK is one of the basis for our research on compilation and synthesis for reconfigurable platforms. It is based on the HCDG representation of the Polychrony software designed at Inria-Rennes in the project-team Espresso.