Section: Software and Platforms


Participants : Cyril Bouvier, Paul Zimmermann [contact] .

GMP-ECM is a program to factor integers using the Elliptic Curve Method. Its efficiency comes both from the use of the GMP library, and from the implementation of state-of-the-art algorithms. GMP-ECM contains a library (libecm ) in addition to the binary program (ecm ). The binary program is distributed under Gpl , while the library is distributed under Lgpl , to allow its integration into other non-Gpl software. The Magma computational number theory software and the Sage computer algebra system both use libecm .

In February 2013, a new version 6.4.4 was released. Apart from bug fixes, this new release provides some improvements (better integration of the GPU code, of the new -batch option, ...).

In September 2013, a new record prime of 83 digits was found by R. Propper using GMP-ECM .