Section: New Results
Computer Virology
The study on behavioural malware detection has been continued. Guillaume Bonfante, Isabelle Gnaedig and Jean-Yves Marion have been developing an approach detecting suspicious schemes on an abstract representation of the behavior of a program, by abstracting program traces, rewriting given subtraces into abstract symbols representing their functionality. Considering abstract behaviors allows us to be implementation-independent and robust to variants and mutations of malware. Suspicious behaviors are then detected by comparing trace abstractions to reference malicious behaviors.
Model checking is a strong point of our approach: the predefined behavior patterns, used to abstract program traces, are defined by first order temporal logic formulas, as well as the reference suspicious behaviors, given in a signature. The infection problem can then be seen as the satisfaction problem of the formula of the signature by an abstracted trace of the program, which can be checked using existing model checking techniques
The previous work by the team involved abstracting trace automata by rewriting them with respect to a set of predefined behavior patterns defined as a regular language described by a string rewriting system [37] , and then, by a term rewriting system [38] , which allows to detect information leak.
This work has been finished this year by designing a probabilistic generalization of our approach. Introducing probabilities in our technique allows to express a pertinence degree of detection when analysis of the program results in an incomplete or uncertain program dataflow, or when abstraction cannot be performed reliably. Proposing malware detection with a probabilistic rate is finer and more realistic in practice than giving the binary answer of whether a program is infected or not.
Using a tropical semiring over the reals, they have presented a formalism relying on a weighted term rewriting mechanism, where a weight , naturally associated to a probability by the formula: , represents the probability that the realized abstraction be right.
Detection of an abstract behavior has then be defined with respect to a threshold, and a program exhibits an abstract behavior if and only if one of its traces admits an abstract form realizing with a weight not exceeding this threshold.
The weighted abstraction formalism has the advantage of providing a detection algorithm with the same complexity as in the unweighted case, that is linear in the size of the trace automaton [27] .