Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
National Initiatives
The team was a funding parter in ANR Complice (Implicit Computational Complexity, Concurrency and Extraction), ref.: ANR-08-BLANC-0211-01, that ended in april 2013 and whose aim was to extend the results of ICC to other paradigms (process languages, ...) and take benefice of proof extraction techniques in order to synthesize resoure certificates. This ANR should be followed by a new ANR submission (ANR Elica proposal) involving Paris 7 PPS team, Paris 13 LCC team, ENS Lyon Plume team and Bologna Inria team Focus.
The team is a funding parter in ANR Binsec, whose aim is to fill part of the gap between formal methods over executable code on one side, and binary-level security analyses currently used in the security industry. Two main applicative domains are targeted: vulnerability analysis and virus detection. Two other closely related applications will also be investigated: crash analysis and program deobfuscation.
Emmanuel Jeandel is a member of ANR Blanche ANR-09-BLAN-0164 (EMC: Emerging Phenomena in Computation Models), that ended in April 2013.
Simon Perdrix is a member of a PEPS INS2I “Information et Communication Quantique: Cryptographie et Calcul Quantiques Distribués.“ with partners in Telecom ParisTech and other labs.
Mathieu Hoyrup is principal investigator of a PEPS INS2I “Approches Topologiques de l'Information et de la Calculabilité”, with Emmanuel Jeandel and Laurent Bienvenu (CNRS, LIAFA).