Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

Inria International Partners

Royal Society Grant with the University of Liverpool. International Joint Project, 2011-2013, entitled “SEarch, RENdezvous and Explore (SERENE)”, on foundations of mobile agent computing, in collaboration with the Department of Computer Science, University of Liverpool. Funded by the Royal Society, U.K. Principal investigator on the UK side: Leszek Gasieniec. Ralf Klasing is the principal investigator on the French side.

Participants: Nicolas Hanusse, David Ilcinkas, Ralf Klasing, Adrian Kosowski.

Spanish program CLOUDS: Cloud Computing for Scalable, Reliable and Ubiquitous Services (http://lsd.ls.fi.upm.es/clouds ). This is a large scale program which aims at advancing research in the area of Cloud Computing. CEPAGE is more particularly in contact with the LaDyr team of Univ. Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid, on the topic of resource allocation problems for Cloud providers.

Participants: Olivier Beaumont, Lionel Eyraud-Dubois.

Collaboration with Canada.

Members of CEPAGE have a long-standing collaboration with researchers from the Chair of Distributed Computing at the University of Quebec in Outaouais and the Department of Computer Science at Carleton University. Sources of financing include: personal NSERC grants of Canadian professors (Prof. Andrzej Pelc, Prof. Jurek Czyzowicz, Prof. Evangelos Kranakis), funding from other Canadian grant agencies (a travel grant from Mitacs Inc.), and University of Bordeaux funding (a 3-month invited professorship for Prof. Jurek Czyzowicz).

Participants: David Ilcinkas, Ralf Klasing, Adrian Kosowski.

Collaboration with Chile.

Adrian Kosowski is a foreign partner of the Chilean ministry grant (ANILLO CONICYT programme) entitled “Mathematical modeling for industrial and management science applications: a multidisciplinary approach”. The Project Director is Eric Goles from Universidad Adolfo Ibañez, and collaborating researchers on the Chilean side include Karol Suchan and Ivan Rappaport. The collaboration has led to 2 joint papers.

Participants: Adrian Kosowski.