Section: Software and Platforms


Participant : Cyril Gavoille [correspondant] .

This is a command-line tool for generating graphs. There are several output formats, includes the dot format from GraphViz. It generates also .pdf files for visualization. Several graph algorithms have been implemented (diameter, connectivity, treewidth, etc.) which can be tested on the graphs. The software has been originally designed for teaching purpose so that students can test their project algorithms on many non trivial families like random geometric graphs, graphs of given density, given treewidth. It is also used for research purpose, in particular the exhaustive search results in the Emilie Diot's thesis are based on gengraph . The program can filter a list of graphs based to many criteria, as for instance it can extract all graphs of a given list that are 2-connected, of diameter at least four, and that exclude some minor (or some induced subgraph).

Currently, more than 100 parametrized graph families are implemented, supporting simple operators like complementation, random edge/vertex removal, and others. The source has more than 10,000 lines including a command-line documentation of 2,000 lines. The single source file is available at http://dept-info.labri.fr/~gavoille/gengraph.c

Software assessment: A-3, SO-3, SM-2, EM-2, SDL-2.

Contribution: DA-4, CD-4, MS-4, TPM-4.