Section: Dissemination
Scientific Animation
Conference organization
Gérard Biau co-organized a one-day workshop on “High-dimensional clustering” at Ecole normale supérieure (September 2013).
Organization of seminars
We (co-)organized the following seminars:
Statistical machine learning in Paris – SMILE (Gérard Biau, Gilles Stoltz; see );
Parisian seminar of statistics at IHP (Vincent Rivoirard; see ).
Editorial activities, reports written on articles
Gérard Biau is (co-)Editor-in-Chief of ESAIM: Probability and Statistics and serves as an Associate Editor for the journals Annales de l'ISUP and International Statistical Review.
Vincent Rivoirard serves as an Associate Editor for ESAIM: Probability and Statistics.
All permanent members of the team reviewed several journal papers during the year.
Participation to national or local evaluation or recruitment committees, to scientific societies
Vincent Rivoirard is the General Secretary of SFdS and Gérard Biau is the Vice-President of this society.
Gérard Biau is a member of the national board of French universities (CNU) within the applied mathematics section (number 26).
Olivier Catoni is a member of the doctoral commission in mathematics of University Pierre et Marie Curie.
All permanent members of the team participated in several recruitment committees for assistants or full professors in universities.
Honors and distinctions
Gérard Biau is a member of the Institut Universitaire de France (IUF).