Section: Software and Platforms

MMCsp, a compiler for the π-calculus

Participant : Catuscia Palamidessi [correspondant] .

MMCsp is a compiler from a simple probabilistic π-calculus to PRISM . models. It is built on XSB , a tabled logic programming system, and generates the symbolic semantic representation of a probabilistic pi-calculus term in text. A separate Java program then translates this semantic representation into a probabilistic model for PRISM.

The tool was developed by Peng Wu during his postdoc period in Comète in 2005-2007, in the context of the collaboration between the teams Comète and PRISM under the Inria/ARC Project ProNoBis . It is based on the papers [32] and [31] .

The source code is free and can be download from http://www.cs.ucl.ac.uk/staff/p.wu/mmc_sp_manual.html .