Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

Grégory Batt's invited seminars:

  • Long-term model predictive control of gene expression, in Bison seminar, ETHZ, Zurich, March 2013

  • Modeling intrinsic and extrinsic variability: models, model identification methods and noise conversion, Haredhol seminar, ENS Paris, Paris, April 2013

  • Comprendre et contrôler le fonctionnement des cellules: apport de la biologie computationnelle, Seminar Groupement de recherche interdisciplinaire sur les systèmes biologiques (Grisbi), Montpellier, Oct 2013

  • Comprendre et contrôler le fonctionnement des cellules: apport de la biologie computationnelle, Symposium franco-britannique sur la biologie de synthèse, London, Oct 2013

  • Cells driven by computers. Pharmacometry and Bioinformatics Day, Sanofi, Paris, Dec 2013

He has been a member of the EraSynBio evaluation committee (Lisbon), judge at iGEM competition (Lyon), and animator of the axis "Modélisation des réseaux biologiques, biologie systémique et synthétique" of the Groupement de Recherche "Bioinformatique moléculaire" (GdR BIM). He was member of the PhD advisory committees of Adrien Henry (laboratoire de génétique végétale du Moulon, Orsay) and of Géraldine Célière (Bang group, Inria Paris-Rocquencourt). He was a reviewer for Integrative Biology, PLoS Computational Biology, ACS Synthetic Biology, European Conference on Control, and Computational Methods in Systems Biology conference

Xavier Duportet's invited seminar and contributed poster presentations:

  • Keystone Symposia on Precision Genome Engineering and Synthetic Biology, Colorado, USA, March 17-22

  • Synthetic Biology conference (SB6.0), London, July 9-12

He has been involved in technological transfer activities:

  • Provisional patent application: High-throughput discovery of recombinase sites towards the engineering of recombinase specificity

  • Consulting on mammalian synthetic circuit design for Lung LLC, USA

Xavier is also the President of a non-profit organization to promote science and technology entrepreneurship among European students and scientists and organizing the Hello Tomorrow Challenge, a European startup competition.

François Fages is a member of

  • Editorial Board of RAIRO Operations Research ,

  • Steering Committee of the International Conference series on Computational Methods in Systems Biology (CMSB).

  • Scientific Advisory Board of the Doctorate School Frontières du Vivant of the University Paris Descartes

  • “Comité de pilotage” of the OSEO BioIntelligence project, coordinated by Dassault-Systèmes

  • “Comité scientifique du LIFO”, University of Orléans

  • “Commission de spécialistes”, University of Lille.

He was member of the program committees of CHR’13 (Tenth International Workshop on Constraint Handling Rules Berlin, Germany – July 13th, 2013), CMSB’13 (Eleventh Conference on Computational Methods in Systems Biology, IST Klosterneuburg, Austria, September 2013), FroCoS’13 (Frontiers of Combining Systems, co-located with Tableaux 2013, Nancy, France, September 18-20, 2013), HSB’13 (Second International Workshop on Hybrid Systems and Biology associated to ECAL 2013, Taormina, Italy, September 2, 2013), ICLP’13 (29th International Conference on Logic Programming 24 - 29 August 2013, Istanbul, Turkey), WCB’13 (Workshop on Constraint-Based-Methods for Bioinformatics, Budapest, Hungary, co-located with CP’13, Uppsala, Sweden September 16-20, 2013), ICORES’13 (second International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems, held in conjunction with h ICAART 2013 and ICPRAM 2013, Barcelona, Spain, Feb 2013).

He has reviewed articles for the following journals: ACM Transactions on Computational Logics, Artificial Intelligence, Journal of Logic and Computation, PLOS Computational Biology, Annals of Operations Research, Information and Computation, Journal of Mathematical Biology, Constraints, BMC Systems Biology,

François Fages was reviewer of research grants for

  • the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO),

  • the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO)

Invited talks:

  • BRICS-CCI, 1st BRICS Countries Conference on Computational Intelligence, Recife, Brazil, October 2013.

  • Symposium Biointelligence, Sophia-Antipolis, July 2013.

  • Interdisciplinary Symposium on Signals and Systems for Medical Applications, Paris, 3-4 Jun 2013.

Thierry Martinez was member of the Program Committee of CHR'13. He acted as reviewer for the journal Constraints, and for the conferences Concur'13, FROCOS'13 and ICLP'13.

Sylvain Soliman acted as reviewer for LICS'13, and CMSB'13, and as member of the Program Committees of WLPE'13, JFPC'13 and SASB'13. He was also reviewer for the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) stand alone project proposals.

Denis Thieffry is currently

  • member of the INSERM CSS2 evaluation/recruitment commission;

  • member of the board of the PhD Program Complexity in Post-Genomic Biology of the University of Torino;

  • member of the program committees for ISMB, JOBIM, CMSB, and SASB;

  • Editor of BioSystems;

  • Associated Editor of PLoS Computational Biology; as well as of BMC Systems Biology;

  • Adviser for the PLoS Biology Education series.