Section: Software and Platforms

Scilab and Matlab Toolboxes

Shape optimization toolbox in Scilab

Participant : Grégoire Allaire [correspondant] .

Together with Georgios Michailidis, we improved a Scilab toolbox for 2-d shape and topology optimization by the level set method which was originally produced by Anton Karrman and myself. The routines, a short user's manual and several examples are available on the web page: http://www.cmap.polytechnique.fr/~allaire/levelset_en.html

Conformal mapping method

Participant : Houssem Haddar [correspondant] .

This Scilab toolbox is dedicated to the resolution of inverse 2-D electrostatic problems using the conformal mapping method introduced by Akdumann, Kress and Haddar. The toolbox treats the cases of a simply connected obstacle with Dirichlet, Neumann or impedance boundary conditions or a simply connected inclusion with a constant conductivity. The latest development includes the extension of the method to the inverse scattering problem at low frequencies as introduced by Haddar-Kress (2012).