Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Bilateral Contracts with Industry
Contract with IFPEN on multiscale finite elements for two-phase flows in porous media (in the framework of the PhD thesis of F. Ouaki, defended in 2013).
Contract with EADS/IW on topology optimization for composite panels drapping (in the framework of the PhD thesis of G. Delgado, defended in 2013).
Contract with Renault on geometry and topology optimization of structures (in the framework of the two PhD theses of Ch. Dapogny, with the co-advising of P. Frey, to be defended in 2013, and G. Michailidis, with the co-advising of F. Jouve, to be defended in 2014).
Contract with EDF R&D on non destructive testing of concrete materials (in the framework of the PhD thesis of Lorenzo Audibert, to be defended in 2015)
Houssem Haddar has a contract with EDF R&D on data assimilation for temprature estimates in nuclear reactors (in the framework of the PhD thesis of Thibault Mercier, to be defended in 2015)
Houssem Haddar is coordinating the contract EDF R&D on non eddy current non destructive testing. This contract involves Zixian Jiang and a two years PostDoc, Kamel Riahi.