Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Undergraduate course at IUP GMI Avignon on Peer-to-peer networks, by Arnaud Legout (38h), France.
Master Ubinet: course on Evolving Internet - architectural challenges by Walid Dabbous and Chadi Barakat 42 hours, University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis, France.
Master Ubinet: course on Peer-to-peer networks, by Arnaud Legout (21), University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis.
Master 1 International in Computer Science: course on algorithms for networking, by Chadi Barakat (18h), University of Nice.
Master CAR: course on Internet monitoring by Chadi Barakat, 3h, Telecom Paris Tech, France.
Master TSM: course on Voice over IP by Chadi Barakat, (6h),University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis, France.
Master RISM: course on mobility and wireless networking, by Chadi Barakat (7h), University of Avignon.
Master RISM: course on peer-to-peer networks and privacy, by Arnaud Legout (30), University of Avignon.
PhD : Ashwin Rao defended his PhD titled “Improving Transparency and End-User Control in Mobile Networks” on June 30th, at University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis. His thesis was co-supervised by Arnaud Legout and Walid Dabbous.
PhD in progress: Riccardo Ravaioli works on “Active and Passive Inference of Network Neutrality” since October 2012. His thesis is co-supervised by Chadi Barakat.
PhD in progress: Xuan Nam Nguyen works on "Software Defined Networking in challenged environments", since October 2012. His thesis is co-supervised by Thierry Turletti and Walid Dabbous.
PhD in progress: Alina Quereilhac works on "Unified Evaluation environment of Networking Protocols for Simulators and Testbeds", since 2011. Her thesis is co-supervised by Walid Dabbous and Thierry Turletti.
PhD in progress: Maksym Gabielkov works on “Propagation of data in social networks” since 2012. His work is supervised by Arnaud Legout.
Walid Dabbous served as a reviewer and jury member of Mohamed Diallo PhD thesis, defended in March 2013, at University Pierre and Marie Curie.
Walid Dabbous served as a reviewer and jury member of Bilel Ben Romdhanne PhD thesis, defended in December 2013, at Eurecom.
Thierry Turletti served as an external examiner and presides the jury of Bilel Ben Romdhanne PhD thesis, defended in December 2013, at Eurecom.
Thierry Turletti served as reviewer and jury member of Nicolas Kuhn PhD thesis, defended in November 2013 at INP Toulouse.
Thierry Turletti served as reviewer and jury member of Emmanuel Chaput HDR thesis, defended in November 2013, at INP Toulouse.
Thierry Turletti served as reviewer and jury member of Jean Vella PhD thesis, defended in September 2013, at University of Malta.
Chadi Barakat served as a reviewer and jury member of Xavier Miseri PhD thesis, defended in October 2013 at Telecom ParisTech.
Chadi Barakat served as jury member of Vincenzo Ciancaglini PhD thesis, defended in July 2013 at Inria Sophia Antipolis.
Chadi Barakat served as a reviewer and jury member of Heng Cui PhD thesis, defended in April 2013 at Eurecom.
Arnaud Legout served as a jury member for the Ph.D. thesis of Roberto Roverso defended in December 2013 at KTH.
Arnaud Legout served as an opponent for the Ph.D. thesis of Raul Jimenez defended in December 2013 at KTH.