Section: Software and Platforms


Participants : Daniel Camara [correspondant] , Walid Dabbous, Thierry Turletti.

Bake is an integration tool, which can be used by software developers to automate the reproducible build of a number of projects which depend on each other and which might be developed, and hosted by unrelated parties. Bake was developed to automate the reproducible build of ns-3 taking into account the particular needs of it. However, Bake is not specific for ns-3, it can be used by any open source project composed of a number of interdependent sub projects and that needs to simplify and automatize the assembly of these pieces of software in a coherent and useful way.

Bake is free software, licensed under the GNU GPLv2 license, and is publicly available for research, development, and use.

See also the web page http://planete.inria.fr/software/bake/index.html

  • Version: Bake-0.1

  • Keywords: Integration tool, distributed project, build and installation version control

  • License: GPL (GPLv2)

  • Type of human computer interaction: command line tool, No GUI

  • OS/Middleware: Linux, Mac Os

  • Required library or software: Python, GNU C++, Mercurial, CVS, GIT, Bazaar, Tar, Unzip, Unrar, 7z, XZ, Make, cMake, patch, autoreconf

  • Programming language: python

  • Documentation: doxygen