Section: Software and Platforms
Experimentation Software
- MonLab
Monitoring Lab is a platform for the emulation and monitoring of traffic in virtual ISP networks. It was supported by the FP7 ECODE project and is available for download at the web page of the tool under the terms of the GPL licence. MonLab presents a new approach for the emulation of Internet traffic and for its monitoring across the different routers of the emulated ISP network. In its current version, the traffic is sampled at the packet level in each router of the platform, then monitored at the flow level. We put at the disposal of users real traffic emulation facilities coupled to a set of libraries and tools capable of Cisco NetFlow data export, collection and analysis. Our aim is to enable running and evaluating advanced applications for network wide traffic monitoring and optimization. The development of such applications is out of the scope of this research. We believe that the framework we are proposing can play a significant role in the systematic evaluation and experimentation of these applications' algorithms. Among the direct candidates figure algorithms for traffic engineering and distributed anomaly detection. Furthermore, methods for placing monitors, sampling traffic, coordinating monitors, and inverting sampling traffic will find in our platform a valuable tool for experimentation.
ACQUA is an Application for Collaborative Estimation of QUality of Internet Access. It was supported by the French ANR CMON project on collaborative monitoring. ACQUA is based on the principle of active measurements to a predefined set of landmarks and on the estimation of the Internet access quality by correlating these measurements together. This correlation will point to the importance of observed problems and to estimates to the quality the end user should expect from its access when running his applications over the Internet (one can see the measurements to the landmarks as samples of the global set of possible paths). In its first version (the version available online), ACQUA was concentring on delay measurements at the access and on the detection and estimation of the impact of delay anomalies (local problems, far away problems, etc). The current work is concentring on using the ACQUA principle in the estimation and prediction of the quality of experience of main applications. More details and code can be found at .
- ElectroSmart
We are developing the application ElectroSmart as part of the Inria ADT ElectroSmart. The ElectroSmart application will enable crowd sourcing of electromagnetic exposures based on the electromagnetic radiations measured by smartphones.