Section: Dissemination


Intervention in other arenas:

  • Co-organization of the CARA community, that gather IT professionals around agility design. Meetings occurs once per month from 7PM to 10PM and gather around 50 people to discuss and debate. The complete animation scheme is available at http://lyon.clubagilerhonealpes.org/

  • La révolution numérique, L’enseignement philosophique et les sciences: nouvelles perspectives, Fondation Simone et Cino del Duca, Paris, 13 novembre 2013

  • Panel: Open Data and Civic Participation, Can “Open Data” Improve Democratic Governance?, CITRIS Data & Democracy Initiative and Institute of Governmental Studies, Berkeley, 12 September 2013.

  • Big Data: Where Does Europe Stand? a Citizen's Controversy, at the Madariaga – College of Europe Foundation, with Roberto Viola, Deputy Director of DG Communication, Brussels, 12 July 2013.

  • La Révolution numérique, un enjeu politique, Conférence au Cercle Pierre Mendes France de Lyon, 25 juin 2013

  • Les données, nouveau moteur de l’économie, Congrès France Génétique Elevage, janvier 2013

Intervention in political instances. The Dice team aims at interacting with political representatives at the French Assemblée nationale, the Sénat, as well as instances of the European Union.

  • Global perspective on the information society, Invited speaker at the Council of the European Union,

    Part I Europe at the periphery of the information society? Brussels, April 17, 2013,

    Part II Information society in China, the Beijing consensus? Brussels, May 14, 2013,

  • La dépendance de la France en matière de données et services numériques, Assemblée Nationale, Audition publique du 21 février 2013, "Le risque numérique : en prendre conscience pour mieux le maîtriser ?",