Section: Software and Platforms

QTempIntMiner : quantitative temporal sequence mining

QTempIntMiner (Quantitative Temporal Interval Miner) is a data mining (cf. 3.2.2 ) software that implements several algorithms presented in [59] and [3] .

The software is mainly implemented in Matlab. A standalone application is now avalaible. It uses the Mixmod toolbox [44] to compute multi-dimensional Gaussian distributions. The main features of QTempIntMiner are:

  • a tool for generating synthetic noisy sequences of temporal events,

  • an implementation of the QTempIntMiner , QTIAPriori and QTIPrefixSpan algorithms,

  • a graphical interface that enables the user to generate or import data set and to define the parameters of the algorithm and that displays the extracted temporal patterns.

  • a sequence transformer to process long sequences of temporal events. Long sequences are transformed into a database of short temporal sequences that are used as input instances for the available algorithms.

The following website gives many details about the algorithms and provides the latest stable implementation of QTempIntMiner : http://www.irisa.fr/dream/QTempIntMiner/ .