Section: Software and Platforms


ManageYourself is a collaborative project between Dream and the Telelogos company aiming at monitoring smartphones from a stream of observations made on the smartphone state (cf. 3.2.3 ).

Today’s smartphones are able to perform calls, as well as to realize much more complex activities. They are small computers. But as in computers, the set of applications embedded on the smartphone can lead to problems. The aim of the project ManageYourself is to monitor smartphones in order to avoid problems or to detect problems and to repair them.

The ManageYourself application includes three parts :

  • A monitoring part which triggers preventive rules at regular time to insure that the system is working correctly, e.g. if the memory is full then delete the tmp directory. This part is always running on the smartphone.

  • A reporting part which records regularly the state of the smartphone (the memory state - free vs allocated -, the connection state, which applications are running, etc.). This part also is always running on the smartphone. The current state is stored in a report at regular period and is labeled normal. When an application or the system bugs, the current buggy state is stored in a report and is labeled abnormal. At regular timestamps, all the reports are sent to a server where the learning process is executed.

  • A learning part which learns new bug rules from the report dataset. This part is executed offline on the server. Once the bug rules are learnt, human experts translates them into preventive rules which are downloaded and integrated in the monitoring part of the smartphones.

The following website is devoted to the presentation of ManageYourself : http://www.irisa.fr/dream/ManageYourself/Site/ManageYourself.html .