New Results
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
New Results
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Licence : Anne Bouillard, Strucures et algorithmes aléatoires, 60h eqTD, L3, ENS, France

  • Licence: Ana Bušić, Réseaux de communications, 36h, L3, ENS, France

  • Licence: Ana Bušić, Conception of algorithms and applications, 27h, L3, UPMC Sorbonne Universités, France

  • Licence: Marc Lelarge, Théorie de l'information et codage, 40h, L3, ENS, France

  • Master : Anne Bouillard, Probabilistic aspects of computer science, 15h eqTD, M1, ENS Cachan, France

  • Master : Anne Bouillard, Introduction to tropical mathematics, 32h eq TD, Tokyo institute of technilogy, Japan.

  • Master: Ana Bušić, Foundations of network models, 14h, M2 MPRI, France

  • Master: Marc Lelarge, Algorithmique des réseaux sociaux, 40h, M1, ENS, France

  • Doctorat: Bartek Błaszczyszy and Laurent Massoulié, Graduate Course on point processes, stochastic geometry and random graphs (program “Master de Sciences et Technologies”), 45h, UPMC, Paris 6.

  • Doctorat: Alexandre Proutière, Invited short course at IIT Bombay, Decentralized learning in repeated games and network optimisation, 4h, IIT Bombay, India


  • PhD: Tien Viet Nguyen, On the modelling of wireless communication networks using non-poisson point processes [65] , Ecole Doctorale Sciences Mathématiques de Paris Centre, defense: January 9, 2013, advisor: F. Baccelli.

  • PhD : Aurore Junier, Analyses de performance et de stabilité des réseaux de télécommunication [60] , ENS Cachan (Bretagne), defence: 16 december 2013, supervisors: Anne Bouillard and Claude Jard (Université de Nantes/LINA)

  • PhD: Mathieu Leconte, Load-balancing and resource-provisioning in large distributed systems [2] , EDITE, CIFRE Technicolor, defense: December 18, 2013, advisors: Marc Lelarge and Laurent Massoulié.

  • PhD in progress :

    • Kumar Gaurav, “ Convex comparison of network architectures” started in October 2011, adviser B. Błaszczyszyn;

    • Miodrag Jovanović, “Evaluation and optimization of the quality perceived by mobile users for new services in cellular networks” started in January 2012, adviser B. Błaszczyszyn;

    • Christelle Rovetta, Applications of perfect sampling to queuing networks and random generation of combinatorial objects, from December 2013, co-supervised by Anne Bouillard and Ana Bušić.


  • François Baccelli:

    • David Coupier, Habililation, Université de Lille, Décembre 2013.

    • Nicolas Chenavier, Université de Rouen (Rapporteur), Décembre 2013.

    • Mathieu Leconte, Institut Mines Télécom, Décembre 2013.

  • Bartek Błaszczyszynwas a member in PhD jury of: Anaïs Vergne, Telecom ParisTech, 28/11/2013 and Manjesh Kumar Hanawal, Univ. Avignon, 06/11/2013

  • Anne Bouillard was part of the jury of the PhD defence of Aurore Junier.

  • Marc Lelarge was part of the jury of the PhD defense of Feng Yan, EDITE, September 2013 and Mathieu Leconte, EDITE, December 2013.

  • Alexandre Proutière was a member of the jury, Niek Bouman, Technical University in Eindhoven, December 2013.