Section: Software and Platforms
BLGEOL-V1 software
Participants : Patrick Laug [correspondant] , Houman Borouchaki.
BLGEOL-V1 software can generate hex-dominant meshes of geologic structures complying with different geometric constraints: surface topography (valleys, reliefs, rivers), geologic layers and underground workings. First, a reference 2D domain is obtained by projecting all the line constraints into a horizontal plane. Different size specifications are given for rivers, outcrop lines and workings. Using an adaptive methodology, the size variation is bounded by a specified threshold in order to obtain a high quality quad-dominant mesh. Secondly, a hex-dominant mesh of the geological medium is generated by a vertical extrusion, taking into account the surfaces found (interfaces between two layers, top or bottom faces of underground workings). The generation of volume elements follows a global order established on the whole set of surfaces to ensure the conformity of the resulting mesh.