Section: Research Program
Volatility and Reliability Processing
In a global computing application, users voluntarily lend the machines, during the period they don't use them. When they want to reuse the machines, it is essential to give them back immediately. We assume that there is no time for saving the state of the computation (for example because the user is shooting down is machine). Because the computer may not be available again, it is necessary to organize checkpoints. When the owner takes control of his machine, one must be able to continue the computation on another computer from a checkpoint as near as possible from the interrupted state.
The problems raised by this way of managing computations are numerous and difficult. They can be put into two categories: synchronization and repartition problems.
Synchronization problems (example). Assume that the machine that is supposed to continue the computation is fixed and has a recent checkpoint. It would be easy to consider that this local checkpoint is a component of a global checkpoint and to simply rerun the computation. But on one hand the scalability and on the other hand the frequency of disconnections make the use of a global checkpoint totally unrealistic. Then the checkpoints have to be local and the problem of synchronizing the recovery machine with the application is raised.
Repartition problems (example). As it is also unrealistic to wait for the computer to be available again before rerunning the interrupted application, one has to design a virtual machine organization, where a single virtual machine is implemented as several real ones. With too few real machines for a virtual one, one can produce starvation; with too many, the efficiency is not optimal. The good solution is certainly in a dynamic organization.
These types of problems are not new ( [62] ). They have been studied deeply and many algorithmic solutions and implementations are available. What is new here and makes these old solutions not usable is scalability. Any solution involving centralization is impossible to use in practice. Previous works validated on former networks can not be reused.
Reliability Processing
We voluntarily presented in a separate section the volatility problem because of its specificity both with respect to type of failures and to frequency of failures. But in a general manner, as any distributed system, a global computing system has to resist to a large set of failures, from crash failures to Byzantine failures, that are related to incorrect software or even malicious actions (unfortunately, this hypothesis has to be considered as shown by DECRYPTHON project or the use of erroneous clients in SETI@HOME project), with in between, transient failures such as loss of message duplication. On the other hand, failures related accidental or malicious memory corruptions have to be considered because they are directly related to the very nature of the Internet. Traditionally, two approaches (masking and non-masking) have been used to deal with reliability problems. A masking solution hides the failures to the user, while a non-masking one may let the user notice that failures occur. Here again, there exists a large literature on the subject (cf. [70] , [81] , [59] for surveys). Masking techniques, generally based on consensus, are not scalable because they systematically use generalized broadcasting. The self-stabilizing approach (a non-masking solution) is well adapted (specifically its time adaptive version, cf. [67] , [66] , [47] , [48] , [63] ) for three main reasons:
Low overhead when stabilized. Once the system is stabilized, the overhead for maintaining correction is low because it only involves communications between neighbours.
Good adaptivity to the reliability level. Except when considering a system that is continuously under attacks, self-stabilization provides very satisfying solutions. The fact that during the stabilization phase, the correctness of the system is not necessarily satisfied is not a problem for many kinds of applications.
Lack of global administration of the system. A peer to peer system does not admit a centralized administrator that would be recognized by all components. A human intervention is thus not feasible and the system has to recover by itself from the failures of one or several components, that is precisely the feature of self-stabilizing systems.
We propose:
To study the reliability problems arising from a global computing system, and to design self-stabilizing solutions, with a special care for the overhead.
For problem that can be solved despite continuously unreliable environment (such as information retrieval in a network), to propose solutions that minimize the overhead in space and time resulting from the failures when they involve few components of the system.
For most critical modules, to study the possibility to use consensus based methods.
To build an adequate model for dealing with the trade-off between reliability and cost.