Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

European Initiatives

Collaborations in European Programs, except FP7

  • Program: ITEA

  • Project acronym: MANY

  • Project title: Many-core Programming and Resource Management for High-Performance Embedded Systems

  • Duration: 09/2011 - 08/2014

  • Coordinator: XDIN

  • Other partners: France: Thales Communications and Security, CAPS Entreprise, Telecom SudParis; Spain: UAB; Sweden: XDIN; Korea: ETRI, TestMidas, SevenCore; Netherlands: Vector Fabrics, ST-Ericsson, TU Eindhoven; Belgium: UMONS.

  • Abstract: Adapting Industry for the for the disruptive landing of many-core processors in Embedded Systems in order to provide scalable, reusable and very fast sofware development.