Section: New Results
High-performance computing on next generation architectures
Composing multiple StarPU applications over heterogeneous machines: a supervised approach
Enabling HPC applications to perform efficiently when invoking multiple parallel libraries simultaneously is a great challenge. Even if a uniform runtime system is used underneath, scheduling tasks or threads coming from different libraries over the same set of hardware resources introduces many issues, such as resource oversubscription, undesirable cache flushes or memory bus contention.
This paper presents an extension of StarPU , a runtime system specifically designed for heterogeneous architectures, that allows multiple parallel codes to run concurrently with minimal interference. Such parallel codes run within scheduling contexts that provide confined execution environments which can be used to partition computing resources. Scheduling contexts can be dynamically resized to optimize the allocation of computing resources among concurrently running libraries. We introduce a hypervisor that automatically expands or shrinks contexts using feedback from the runtime system (e.g. resource utilization). We demonstrate the relevance of our approach using benchmarks invoking multiple high performance linear algebra kernels simultaneously on top of heterogeneous multicore machines. We show that our mechanism can dramatically improve the overall application run time (-34%), most notably by reducing the average cache miss ratio (-50%).
This work is developed in the framework of Andra Hugo's PhD. These contributions have been presented at the international workshop on Accelerators and Hybrid Exascale Systems [19] in Boston.
A task-based H-matrix solver for acoustic and electromagnetic problems on multicore architectures
-Matrix is a hierarchical, data-sparse approximate representation of matrices that allows the fast approximate computation of matrix products, and decompositions, inversion and more. This representation is suitable for the direct solution of large dense linear systems arising from the Boundary Element Method in operations. This kind of formulation is widely used in the industry for the numerical simulation of acoustics and electromagnetism scattering by large objetcs. Applications of this approach include aircraft noise reduction and antenna sitting at Airbus Group. The recursive and irregular nature of these -Matrix algorithms makes an efficient parallel implementation very challenging, especially when relying on a "Bulk Synchronous Parallel" paradigm. We have considered an alternative parallelization for multicore architectures using a task-based approach on top of a runtime system, namely StarPU . We have showed that our method leads to a highly efficient, fully pipelined computation on large real-world industrial test cases provided by Airbus Group.
This research activity has been conduced in the framework of the EADS-ASTRIUM, Inria, Conseil Régional initiative in collaboration with the RUNTIME Inria project, and is part of Benoit Lize's PhD.
A task-based 3D geophysics application
Reverse Time Migration (RTM) technique produces underground images using wave propagation. A discretization based on the Discontinuous Galerkin (DG) method unleashes a massively parallel elastodynamics simulation, an interesting feature for current and future architectures. We have designed a task-based version of this scheme in order to enable the use of manycore architectures. At this stage, we have demonstrated the efficiency of the approach on homogeneous and cache coherent Non Uniform Memory Access (ccNUMA) multicore platforms (up to 160 cores) and designed a prototype version of a distributed memory version that can exploit multiple instances of such architectures. This work has been conducted in the context of the DIP Inria-Total strategic action in collaboration with the Magique3D Project-Team and thanks to the long-term visit of George Bosilca funded by TOTAL. Geroge's expertise ensured an optimum usage of the PaRSEC runtime system onto which our task-based scheme has been ported.
This work was presented during a PRACE workshop [28] as well as during a TOTAL scientific event [29] .
Resiliency in numerical simulations
For the solution of systems of linear equations, various recovery-restart strategies have been investigated in the framework of Krylov subspace methods to address the situations of core failures. The basic underlying idea is to recover fault entries of the iterate via interpolation from existing values available on neighbor cores. The resulting results are reported in the research report [41] currently submitted to an international journal. In that resilience framework, we have extended the recovey-restart ideas to the solution of linear eigenvalue problems. Contrary to the linear system case, not only the current iterate can be interpolated but also part of the subspace where candidate eigenpairs are searched.
This work is developed in the framework of Mawussi Zounon's PhD funded by the ANR RESCUE . These contributions have been presented at the international workshop Sparse Days [27] in Toulouse. More details and results can be found in report RR-8324 [41] . Notice that theses activities are also part of our contribution to the G8 ESC (Enabling Climate Simulation at extreme scale).