Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
Regional Initiatives
PlaFRIM: an experimental parallel computing platform
PlaFRIM is an experimental platforme for research in modeling, simulations and high performance computing. This platform has been set up from 2009 under the leadership of Inria Bordeaux Sud-Ouest in collaboration with computer science and mathematics aboratories, respectively Labri and IMB with a strong support in the region Aquitaine.
It aggregates different kinds of computational resources for research and development purposes. The latest technologies in terms of processors, memories and architecture are added when they are available on the market. It is now more than 1,000 cores (excluding GPU and Xeon Phi ) that are available for all research teams of Inria Bordeaux, Labri and IMB. This computer is in particular used by all the engineers who work in HiePACS and are advised by F. Rue from the SED.
The PlaFRIM platform initiative is coordinated by O. Coulaud and an application for its upgrade has been accepted.
Innovative simulation methods for large scale numeric prototypes on emerging architectures computers
Participants : Emmanuel Agullo, Olivier Coulaud, Aurélien Esnard, Mathieu Faverge, Luc Giraud, Abdou Guermouche, Pierre Ramet, Jean Roman.
Grant: Regional council
Dates: 2013 – 2015
Partners: EPIs REALOPT , RUNTIME from Inria Bordeaux Sud-Ouest, CEA-CESTA and l’Institut pluridisciplinaire de recherche sur l'environnement et les matériaux (IPREM) .
Overview: Numerical simulation is now integrated into all the design levels and the scientific studies for both academic and industrial contexts. Given the increasing size and sophistication of the simulations carried out, the use of parallel computing is inescapable. The complexity of such achievements requires collaboration of multidisciplinary teams capable of mastering all the necessary scientific skills for each component constituting the chain of expertise. In this project we consider each of these elements as well as efficient methods for parallel codes coupling. All these works is intended to contribute to the design large scale parallel multi-physics simulations. In addition to this research human activities the regional council also support some innovative computing equipment that will be embedded in the PlaFRIM experimental plateform, project led by Olivier Coulaud.