Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • DUT: Cyprien Nicolas, Introduction aux systèmes informatiques, 36ETD, S1, IUT Nice Côte d'Azur, UNS, France. Architecture Systèmes et Réseaux, 16ETD, S3, IUT Nice Côte d'Azur, UNS, France.

  • Licence: Cyprien Nicolas, Algorithmique et Complexité, 30ETD, Licence Professionnelle SIL, IUT Nice Côte d'Azur, UNS. Yoann Couillec, Algorithmique - Programmation objet - Python, 36 ETD, L2, University of Nice Sophia Antipolis. Vincent Prunet, Algorithms and Data Structures, 80 ETD, L2, Lycée International de Valbonne, (Inria action to promote early CS courses in all scientific curricula).

  • Master: Ilaria Castellani, Programmation et sécurité des applications du web, 13.5 ETD, M2, University of Nice Sophia Antipolis. Tamara Rezk, Programmation et sécurité des applications du web, M2, University of Nice. Programming the Diffuse Web, 13.5 ETD, M2, University Paris 6 (UPMC), France. Provable cryptography 28h ETD, M2 University of Nice Sophia Antipolis. Manuel Serrano, Programming the Diffuse Web, 13.5 ETD, M2, University Paris 6 (UPMC), France.

  • PhD: Manuel Serrano gave a full-day seminar on Hop at the École des Jeunes Chercheurs en Programmation (Rennes).


  • PhD: Pejman Attar, Towards a safe and secure synchronous language, University of Nice, 1/10/2010, Frédéric Boussinot and Ilaria Castellani.

  • PhD in progress: Cyprien Nicolas, Orchestrating multi-tier programming languages, University of Nice, 1/09/2010, Gérard Berry and Manuel Serrano.

  • PhD in progress: Johan Grande, Conception et implantation d'un langage de programmation concurrente modulaire, University of Nice, 1/10/2010, Gérard Boudol and Manuel Serrano.

  • PhD in progress: Yoann Couillec, Langages de programmation et données ouvertes, University of Nice, 1/10/2012, Manuel Serrano and Patrick Valduriez.

  • PhD in progress: José Santos, Language based approach for information flow analysis in distributed mobile code, University of Nice, 1/12/2010, Tamara Rezk.

  • Master internship: Jérôme Brunel master thesis at University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis, tutored by Tamara Rezk. Gerard Boudol has supervised the intership (Master Recherche) of Arthur Guillon, on relaxed memory models. The long term objective was to investigate the quantitative aspects of such models, but a first phase of the study consisted in refining an abstract model previously introduced by Boudol, Petri and Serpette. More precisely, this model was refined so as to provide an adequate semantics for PowerPC memory barriers, a notoriously difficult topic. To this end we extended the notion of visibility, attached to memory write operations, to these barriers. In this way, we achieved an accurate semantics of these synchronization operations with respect to the series of tests on PowerPC machines developed by Luc Maranget. In a second phase, some requirements for a notion of probabilistic memory model were identified.


  • Ilaria Castellani was a member of the jury of the PhD thesis of Fabrizio Montesi, IT University of Copenhagen.