Section: New Results
Models, semantics, and languages
Participants : Pejman Attar, Gérard Berry, Gérard Boudol, Ilaria Castellani, Johan Grande, Cyprien Nicolas, Tamara Rezk, Manuel Serrano [correspondant] .
Formalization and Concretization of Ordered Networks
Overlay networks have been extensively studied as a solution to the dynamic nature, scale and heterogeneity of large computing platforms, and are a fundamental layers of most existing peer-to-peer networks. The basic mechanism offered by an overlay network, is routing, i.e., the mechanism enabling the delivery of messages from any node to any other node in the network. On top of routing are built crucial functionalities of peer-to-peer networks, such as networks maintenance (nodes joining and leaving the network) and information distribution and retrieval. Over the years, different topologies and routing mechanisms have been proposed in literature. However, there is a lack of formal works unifying these different designs and establishing their correctness. This paper proposes a formal common basis, partially validated with the Coq theorem prover, with the nice property of only requiring the definition of a total order on the nodes. We investigate how such a basic design can be used to build deadlock/livelock-free algorithms for routing, node insertion, and node deletion in the fault-free environment. The genericity of our design is then explored through the construction of orders on nodes corre- sponding to different topologies commonly encountered in the peer-to-peer domain. To validate the methodology proposed, a simulator tool was developed. This tool is able, given the definition of an order and the definition of shortcuts, to simulate the corresponding overlay network and to explore its performance.
Absence Prediction in Esterel
We have formally proved, with the Coq system, the correctness of an absence prediction of Esterel's signals. For this we have formalised in Coq the static analysis and the interpreter written in Scheme (see the previous activity report). With this formal specification, we prove the correctness of the analysis: if a signal is considered absent by the evaluator at one instant, then this signal will be not emitted during this instant. This work is described in a currently submitted paper.
Reactive Synchronous Languages
CRL: We have studied the security property of noninterference in a synchronous Core Reactive Language (CRL). In the synchronous reactive paradigm, programs communicate by means of broadcast events, and their parallel execution is regulated by a notion of instant.
We have first shown that CRL programs are indeed reactive, namely that they always converge to a state of termination or suspension (“end of instant”) in a finite number of steps. This property is important as it also entails the reactivity of a program to its environment, namely its capacity to input events from the environment at the start of instants, and to output events to the environment at the end of instants. While classical in synchronous languages, this property required to be established afresh in CRL, since this language makes use of a new asymmetric parallel operator.
We defined two bisimulation equivalences on CRL programs, corresponding respectively to a fine-grained and to a coarse-grained observation of programs. We showed that coarse-grained bisimilarity is more abstract than fine-grained bisimilarity, as it is insensitive to the order of generation of events and to repeated emissions of the same event during an instant.
We have finalised our work on the language DSLM (Dynamic Synchronous Language with Memory), which is an extension of CRL with memory and distribution. There are now several sites, and agents may migrate between sites. Two main properties are established for DSLM: reactivity of each agent and absence of data-races between agents. Since DSLM uses the same asymmetric parallel operator as CRL, reactivity is proven in a similar way. Moreover, the language offers a way to benefit from multi-core and multi-processor architectures, by means of the notion of synchronized scheduler, which abstractly models a computing resource. Each site may be expanded and contracted dynamically by varying its number of synchronized schedulers. Moreover agents can be moved transparently from one scheduler to another one within the same site. In this way one can formally model the load-balancing of agents over a site. This work is part of Pejman Attar's PhD thesis, defended in December 2013.
Locking Fast
We have studied the integration of low-level locking mechanisms in programming language execution environments. We have shown that for a given low-level locking mechanism the performance of the applications may vary significantly according to decisions taken for integrating it in the runtime system. We have studied two different aspects. First, we have shown how to accelerate C IO locking by selecting at runtime the adequate implementation and by using spin locks instead of full-fledged mutexes. Second, we have presented a new schema for improving the slow path of Java-like synchronized blocks. It consists in lifting the exception handler that is installed on the stack and which is in charge of releasing a monitor up to the closest exception handler already installed on the stack. All these optimizations have been implemented in Hop, our Web programming language. We have conducted experiments that shows significant speed up (up to 30%) for applications using locks extensively.
The synchronization lifting technique could be generalized to all the exception handlers, not only the handlers of synchronized blocks. As lifting only modifies the interception of exceptions, not the way they are thrown, it is compatible with languages such as Java or JavaScript that store a description of the stack at the moment when the exception is thrown inside the exception handlers. The technique should thus be broadly applicable. Exploring this idea is left for future work.
This work is described in the paper that will be published in the proceedings of the SAC'14 conference [12] .
The jthread library is a library for Hop offering threads and mutexes and whose main locking function implements deadlock avoidance. Our library offers structured locking (i.e., critical sections instead of explicit lock /unlock functions). It supports nested locking. Our library is implemented using the preexisting pthread library and is offered as an alternative to the latter.
Compared to usual locking functions, our primitive relies on the programmer to provide some supplementary information such as the set of mutexes that might be acquired while owning a first one. However, for this supplementary information we chose default values that limit the need for the programmer to actually write it to a minimum.
The syntax of our locking construct is as follows:
(synchronize* l [:prelock p] |
expr1 |
expr2 |
... ) |
where l is the list of mutexes to lock and p is a list that contains (some of (According to a few rules that we impose)) the mutexes that might be locked during the execution of the body of the construct.
The implementation of this function relies on the ability to lock mutexes at once. We found an algorithm for this that is both deadlock-free and starvation-free. Our algorithm relies on a dynamic total ordering of threads; this is inspired by Lamport's bakery algorithm.
We wrote a starvation-freedom property that applies to our real-life language with dynamic thread creation and programs that run forever on purpose. To express the property we need to define the following relation over threads:
iff. owns and is waiting to lock .
Let be the symmetric transitive closure of .
The property that we chose and proved for our algorithm is:
If each non-waiting thread eventually releases all the mutexes it owns and if for each waiting thread the number of threads s.t. does not tend toward over time then each waiting thread eventually gets the mutexes it is waiting to lock.
We have implemented our library and integrated it to Hop. We haven't released it yet. An article is in preparation.