Section: Dissemination

Seminars and conferences

  • Pejman Attar gave a talk about security in concurrency at Paris 7 in february 2013. He participated March in rencontres du numérique de l'ANR and presented a poster about his work and the PARTOUT ANR team work.

  • Nataliia Bielova was invited to present her work on web security in Labex Security day.

  • Ilaria Castellani participated in March in the 1st working group (WG) meeting of the BETTY Action, in Rome, where she animated the discussion of the Security WG. In September, she took part in the 2nd WG meeting of BETTY, in Madrid, where she again animated the discussion of the Security WG. In August 2013, Ilaria Castellani participated in the workshop “25 Years of Combining Compositionality and Concurrency” (WS25CCC), in Königswinter, Germany, and in the 8th International Symposium on Trustworthy Global Computing (TGC 2013), in Buenos Aires, Argentina. In both of them, she presented her joint work with Pejman Attar [11] . In Buenos Aires, she also took part in the annual meeting of the IFIP WG 1.8 on Concurrency Theory.

  • Cyprien Nicolas gave a talk about “Cable-Driven Robots with Wireless Control Capability for Pedagogical Illustration of Science” at the 8th National Conference of “Control Architecture of Robots” in Angers, France, June, 12th 2013 [13] .

  • Tamara Rezk was invited to present her work on web security in IRISA Rennes in January and in University of Cordoba in March. She gave a talk in the Labex Security day.

  • Manuel Serrano gave a seminar about Web programming in the seminar series associated with the course of Gérard Berry at Collège de France called Informatique du Temps et des Évenements. He participated in a one-week seminar in Brussels on Secure Cloud and Reactive Internet Programming Technology, where he gave a talk on HipHop. He presented the results of the PWD projet at the ANR Rencontres du numérique in Paris. Manuel Serrano gave a lecture on Hop at the ECOOP Programming Summer School.