IPSO - 2013
New Results
New Results

Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Research Visitors

Visits of International Scientists

  • A. Debussche invited Y. Bakhtin (Georgia Tech., USA) and F. Baudoin (Purdue, USA) for a one month visit.

  • L. Einkemmer, University of Innsbrück, one week, july 2013.

  • A. Ruhi, Indian Institute of Sciences, 2 months, september-october 2013.

  • R. Raghurama, Indian Institute of Sciences, two weeks, october 2013.

  • Yong Zhang, under contract in Vienna, has been invited for several periods in Rennes (4 months altogether).

Visits to International Teams

  • G. Vilmart: EPF Lausanne (Switzerland), invitation by Assyr Abdulle in the chair of numerical analysis and computational mathematics, several 1-2 weeks visits (totalizing 2 months).

  • G. Vilmart: Invited research and teaching position at the University of Geneva, Section of Mathematics, for the period 09/2013-08/2014.

  • N. Crouseilles visited the group of E. Sonnendrücker (IPP Garching, Germany), one week (december 2012).

  • N. Crouseilles and E. Faou visited the group of A. Ostermann (University of Innsbrück, Austria), one week (march 2013).

  • N. Crouseilles visited the group of P. Coelho (Universitad tecnico de Lisboa, Portugal), one week (july 2013).

  • N. Crouseilles and M. Lemou visited the group of R. Raghurama (Indian Institute of Sciences, Bangalore (India)), 2 weeks (december 2013).