IPSO - 2013
New Results
New Results

Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Licence 3: P. Chartier, “Equations différentielles", 36, L3, ENS Cachan-Bruz

  • Master 2 : P. Chartier, “Intégration numérique géométrique" , 12H, M2, University of Rennes 1

  • Master 2: N. Crouseilles, “Numerical methods for kinetic equations", 18H, M2, University of Rennes 1

  • Master 2: E. Faou, “Modélisation et analyse numérique des EDPs", ENS Paris, in collaboration with D. Lannes

  • Master 2: M. Lemou, “Equations hyperboliques et lois de conservation", and “Méthodes numériques pour les modèles cinétiques".

  • Master 1: M. Lemou, “Theory of distributions" and “Equations elliptiques".


  • N. Crouseilles: co-advising (with M. Mehrenberger) of Christophe Steiner PhD (second year in Strasbourg University), ministry grant.

  • N. Crouseilles: co-advising (with S. Genaud) of Matthieu Kuhn PhD (second year in Strasbourg University), ANR "E2T2" grant.

  • N. Crouseilles: co-advising (with M. Mehrenberger) of Pierre Glanc PhD (third year in Strasbourg University), Inria-Cordi grant.

  • N. Crouseilles: co-advising (with M. Lemou) of H. Hivert PhD (first year in Rennes university), ENS grant.

  • N. Crouseilles: co-advising (with R. Raghurama and M. Lemou) of A. Ruhi PhD (second year in IISc), Indian grant.

  • F. Méhats is co-supervisor of the PhD thesis of G. Leboucher (with P. Chartier).

  • F. Méhats is co-supervisor of the PhD thesis of M. Tusseau (with A. Debussche).

  • A. Debussche supervizes the Phd theses of: M. Hofmanova (defended in july 2013), M. Kopec (defense scheduled on june 2014), S. De Moor (defense scheduled on june 2014).


  • P. Chartier was referee of the thesis of C. Zbinden (Geneva, supervised by E. Hairer), november.

  • P. Chartier was referee of the thesis of H. Xue (Bergen, Supervised by A. Zanna), november.

  • P. Chartier was member of the HDR jury of G. Vilmart, july.

  • N. Crouseilles: member of the PHD jury of C. Caldini-Queiros, 15 november 2013.

  • F. Méhats was referee of the thesis of M. Lutz (Strasbourg, supervised by E. Frenod and E. Sonnendrücker).

  • F. Méhats was referee of the thesis of J. Sabin (Cergy, supervised by M. Lewin).

  • M. Lemou was referee of the PhD thesis of F. Doisneau: Ecole Centrale de Paris, april 2013.

  • M. Lemou was member of the Jury for the PhD thesis of E. Franck: Univesity Paris 6, october 2013.