IPSO - 2013
New Results
New Results

Section: New Results

Optimization and parallelization of Emedge3D on shared memory architecture

In [38] , a study of techniques used to speedup a scientific simulation code is presented. The techniques include sequential optimizations as well as the parallelization with OpenMP. This work is carried out on two different multicore shared memory architectures, namely a cutting edge 8x8 core CPU and a more common 2x6 core board. Our target application is representative of many memory bound codes, and the techniques we present show how to overcome the burden of the memory bandwidth limit, which is quickly reached on multi-core or many-core with shared memory architectures. To achieve efficient speedups, strategies are applied to lower the computation costs, and to maximize the use of processors caches. Optimizations are: minimizing memory accesses, simplifying and reordering computations, and tiling loops. On 12 cores processor Intel X5675, aggregation of these optimizations results in an execution time 21.6 faster, compared to the original version on one core.