Section: Dissemination


  • Due to the visibility of our experimental platforms, the team is often asked to present its research activities to students, researchers or industry. Our panel of demonstrations allows us to highlight recent results concerning the positioning of an ultrasound probe by visual servoing, the construction of a tower by combining 3D model-based visual tracking and visual servoing techniques to pick up cubes that are assembled, the navigation of a mobile robot in urban environments, vision-based detection and tracking for space navigation in a rendezvous context, the semi-autonomous navigation of a wheelchair, and augmented reality applications.

  • Fabien Spindler is a member of the editorial board of “Ouest Inria”, the internal journal at Inria Rennes-Bretagne Atlantique.

  • Alexandre Krupa co-authored an article titled “Au coeur des hommes” in the journal DocSciences that is intended for general public. This article is about medical robotics guided from images [27] . An article entitled “L'asservissement visuel au service de la robotique médicale” has also been published in May 2013 in the “Emergences” general-public magazine of Inria Rennes-Bretagne Atlantique http://emergences.inria.fr/lettres2013/newslettern26/l26asservissementvisuel .

  • Paolo Robuffo Giordano participated to the “Café des sciences Drones” at the “Espace des sciences” in Rennes in November 2013 to illustrate his activities on quadrotor UAVs to the general public.

  • Marie Babel and François Chaumette participated to the “Science Festival” in October 2013 with a debate after the projection of the film “Vivre avec des robots” in Brécé near Rennes.

  • Marie Babel and François Pasteau gave a 1-hour lecture on "Assistance to the mobility: the place of the robotics" on December 13th, during the “Conf’Lunch” monthly seminar organised by Inria in Rennes. Furthermore, two articles related to wheelchair navigation have been published in general-public magazines, namely “Des yeux pour les fauteuils roulants” in “Emergences” in July 2013(http://emergences.inria.fr/lettres2013/newsletter_n27/L27-FAUTEUIL ) and “Un fauteuil qui a les yeux en face des roues” in “Sciences Ouest” (the magazine of the “Espace des sciences” in Rennes) in November 2013 (http://www.espace-sciences.org/sciences-ouest/314/actualite/un-fauteuil-qui-a-les-yeux-en-face-des-roues ).