Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Research Visitors

Visits of International Scientists

  • Jitendra Malik, Professor in UC Berkeley, visited LEAR during the summer 2013 as part of the associated team "Hyperion" and a project from the France-Berkeley fund. The goal of his visit was to develop new approaches for human action classification and localization in videos.


  • Georgia Gkioxari, a PhD student from UC Berkeley, visited LEAR during the summer 2013 as part of the associated team "Hyperion" and a project from the France-Berkeley fund. The goal of her visit was to develop new approaches for human action localization in videos.

  • Hyun Oh Song, a PhD student from UC Berkeley, visited LEAR during the fall 2013 as part of the associated team "Hyperion". The goal of his visit was to develop efficient approaches for part-based models in computer vision.

  • Miles Lopes, a PhD student from UC Berkeley, visited LEAR during the spring 2013 as part of the associated team "Hyperion". The goal of his visit was to develop efficient approaches for estimating statistical functionals using convex optimization.

  • Adam Bloniarz, a PhD student from UC Berkeley, visited LEAR during the summer 2013 as part of the associated team "Hyperion". The goal of his visit was to develop video representations adapted to neuroscience, based upon computer vision principles.