Section: New Results
CCN-TV: a data-centric approach to real-time video services
Participants : Luigi Liquori, Vincenzo Ciancaglini [contact] , Riccardo Loti, Giuseppe Piro [Politech Bari] , Alfredo Grieco [Politech Bari] .
Content Centric Networking is a promising data-centric architecture, based on in-network caching, name-driven routing, and receiver-initiated sessions, which can greatly enhance the way Internet resources are currently used, thus making the support for a broader set of users with increasing traffic demands possible. The CCN vision is, currently, attracting the attention of many researchers across the world, because it has all the potential to become ready to the market, to be gradually deployed in the Internet of today, and to facilitate a graceful transition from a host-centric networking rationale to a more effective data-centric working behavior. At the same time, several issues have to be investigated before CCN can be safely deployed at the Internet scale. They include routing, congestion control, caching operations, name-space planning, and application design. With reference to application-related facets, it is worth to notice that the demand for TV services is growing at an exponential rate over the time, thus requiring a very careful analysis of their performance in CCN architectures. To this end, in the present contribution we deploy a CCN-TV system, able to deliver real-time streaming TV services and we evaluate its performance through a simulation campaign based on real topologies. The paper has been accepted to [31] and [28] and a full version has been invited and will appear as book chapter to [33] .